
I don't think I have that problem...

FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set xxx.home"
  Enable VSS = yes
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = SHA1
      IgnoreCase = yes
      # Remove cruft

      Exclude = yes
      # Swap files

      WildFile = "[A-Z]:/pagefile.sys"
      WildFile = "[A-Z]:/hiberfil.sys"
      WildFile = "[A-Z]:/swapfile.sys"
      # Stuff that churns a lot but isn't really useful (assuming we fix
death \
by creating a new Windows machine and restoring data files only)

      # Where windows keeps all its DLLs and stuff, seems to get updated a
 and not really useful...

      WildDir = "c:/Windows/WinSxS"
      WildDir = "c:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution"
      WildDir = "c:/Windows/Prefetch"
      # Who knows?

      WildDir = "c:/Windows/assembly"
      # Antivirus

      WildDir = "c:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows Defender"
      # Stuff that has errors (and is no longer used)

      WildDir = "j:/Windows"
    File = c:/
    File = j:/
    File = k:/
    File = c:/Users/camil/OneDrive

On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 12:03, Josip Deanovic <>

> On Saturday 2020-09-12 11:23:25 Ben Laurie wrote:
> > I restored a Windows incremenental backup (to a FreeBSD machine).
> >
> > The restore job looks like:
> >
> >   Build OS:               amd64-portbld-freebsd12.1 freebsd 12.1-SYNTH
> >   JobId:                  92
> >   Job:                    RestoreFiles.2020-09-12_10.36.22_08
> >   Restore Client:         b2-fd
> >   Where:                  /tmp/bacula-restores
> >   Replace:                Always
> >   Start time:             12-Sep-2020 10:36:24
> >   End time:               12-Sep-2020 10:45:48
> >   Elapsed time:           9 mins 24 secs
> >   Files Expected:         3,858
> >   Files Restored:         3,858
> >   Bytes Restored:         82,256,949,051 (82.25 GB)
> >   Rate:                   145845.7 KB/s
> >   FD Errors:              0
> >   FD termination status:  OK
> >   SD termination status:  OK
> >   Termination:            Restore OK
> >
> > But...
> >
> > b2 /tmp/bacula-restores# du -sh *
> > 804M    c:
> >  22K    j:
> >  25G    k:
> >
> > Why are the restored files less than a third of the size of the restore
> > job?
> Hello Ben!
> I can't be sure for your case but the documentation states:
> -----BEGIN-----
> Take special care not to include a directory twice or Bacula will backup
> the same files two times wasting a lot of space on your archive device.
> Including a directory twice is very easy to do. For example:
>   Include {
>     File = /
>     File = /usr
>     Options { compression=GZIP }
>   }
> on a Unix system where /usr is a subdirectory (rather than a mounted
> filesystem) will cause /usr to be backed up twice.
> -----END-----
> Could you check the relevant file set?
> Regards!
> --
> Josip Deanovic
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