It makes no more sense to assume some people deserve their 
> illnesses than it does to assume some criminals deserve to get away with
> their crimes just because they escape detection and justice.

Dr Chase, I agree with you wholeheartedly and please dont interpret what I
am about to write as suggesting that people who get disease are incurring
the "wrath of God" in any fundamentalist or ignorant sense.

Clearly, though, many illnesses are incurred because of peoples choices. 
Most of the lifestyle habits- smoking, alcohol, drug use, sexual
promiscuity...etc- that are at the core of our public health problems are
also against "divine law".

In a metaphorical sense, one could say that these diseases are
"punishment" for people's actions, if we understand "punishment" to be
what happens to you if you engage in activities that are outside the
natural order.  In this metaphorical sense, "divine" "reward" and
"punishment" is embedded into the natural order of things.

If we understand nature to be an expression of the Will of God, then we
can also understand, in a metaphorical sense, that things which- by their
nature- lead to disease and illness, as being the "wrath of God".

It seems to me that there are passages in the Writings which do use terms
like the "decree of God" or the "wrath of God" as being expressions of the
natural order (which itself is an expression of the "will of God").


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