What ding-dong thought it a good idea to force the pane on the left
(files, forced their btw) to open EVERY D*MN time a document is
opened? Really? Are you f***ing kidding me? Every time I open a file,
that stupid pane jams my edit area to the right, and I have to command
+ 0 AGAIN. I open 200 to 300 files per day. GET THE PICTURE?

While I am on the subject …

Why in the world is BBEdit the ONLY program that DOES NOT restore the
window when you click on the icon in the tray (of whatever it's
called)? WTF.

and …

Command + M is MINIMIZE. EVERY program except BBE and Eclipse (some
crap progs as well) do this. You are Mac people, right? (yes I reset
it, I should not have had to do that).

Do you people even use your own product?

I use, check that TRIED to use BBE to MAKE MY LIFE EASIER; so far,
it's not happening.

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