Well well, I hate to admit Hugh Lovel may be onto something, but these Sai
Baba cards have me off guard, and have caught my interest...having given
much thought to this subject of radionics all last week, I admit much
confusion, but one thing for certain, the business of radionics touches upon
many past lives for me, where human intervention (by messing about with
radionic devices) created much imbalance both in the natural world and the
spiritual world, emotional, etc etc: floods, diasporas, droughts,
desertification, earthquakes, political upheaval, etc etc. (No, I won't
supply details).

I did meditate on this several times and understood that I may have been too
hasty in my pronouncment that all radionics, for me, is bad. I do still
stand by the notion that the human is a perfect vessel and can self heal.
But there may be many attachments we must let go of before we really get to
the place where we can relinquish all of our crap all at once. Until we are
at that place, oh my, perhaps there is a place for radionics...

(Yes, I'm muttering under my breath here folks, but smiling). Here is some
of what I 'got' about radionics and some of my concerns:

I think good magic (the art of changing through will), good agriculture,
good relationships (in other words, healthy, happy, whole) happen when one
is "in the flow". This flow, this current I mention is really Love. So if
you approach each act of your life with Love, you will have healing, wholing
results. Speaking with your children, your animals, washing the dishes,
chopping the vegetables, planting seed, making love, reading a book,
attending a class, whatever the activity, if it is approached with Love you
will see good results.

I am suspicious of radionics or any other "medical" procedure performed
without Love. Gil asks, "are we spreading energy and intent" and that is
exactly my concern with a device such as the pipe. The intent has
ramifications on us all, not just whoever's using the pipe. What if my
neighbor really doesn't have the community's best interest at heart, what
goes out with their intent in that pipe?

The real healing device is the heart of the practitioner. There are many
among us who have a love of science, and they need a scientific house in
which to place their love. And when the Love vibrates out a healing energy,
they say, "aha, look at that powerful house I made, what an amazing house.
We can put any energy into that house and it will radiate out." Well, yes,
it will radiate out, but does it always have the Love?

The Sai Baba blessed cards are a different kind of house, one which has the
intent and imprint of a holy man who is himself plugged into that current of
Cosmic Love. My concern is for practitioners who are not in the energy of
Balanced Love and so send imbalance along with their intent, broadcasting
out of these devices, machines, call them what you will. As for diagnostic
use, perhaps these instruments are no different than a mammagram machine
(hopefully they do NOT deliver bits of radiation during the diagnostics) in
that they are only as good as the machines proper settings and the ability
of the practitioner to review the results and make the necessary connections
for the patient.

As I said, previous announcements aside, I am very confused about this huge
subject "radionics" and will do more inquiry and experiments. I am lucky in
that I do not have dozens or hundreds of folks dependent on my efforts at
growing their dinner. So I have a certain 'luxury' of experimentation. As
Wayne says, it's all an experiment with Nature, one which I always look
forward to, no matter the lesson...even if it involves 'crow' so to speak!

Last thoughts: if everyone were to cultivate Love first, all else would fall
into place as Love's servant. If Love were the first component of cosmic
pipe preps, of any personal act, I would be less fearful about my neighbors'
use of a cosmic pipe. And I would feel nourishment from gardens' by merely
walking through and experiencing the garden or even looking at a picture of
it, radionically, (I suppose) that is!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gil Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Radionics (Drought update)

Hi! to Greg and Hugh and those still following this thread.

I feel suitably humbled, throwing my opinion in with yours, as I respect you
both greatly and revere your work.

I think you are both right, in a sense.

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