Glen: Thank you for posting this insight, it explains some happenings when I
am dowsing. If I have the message right, we should be able to ask the
question and receive an answer in our next thought, am I correct?
Do Devas and other beings have any participation in this?
Tried the cross exercise, nothing experienced, has this any significance?
David C

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Atkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 7 March 2002 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e:
Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

> Lloyd Charles wrote:
> >
> > More from the land of oz  - I found this lurking uncompleted on My
desktop -
> > (Delete is just above the left cursor key if its too out of date)
> >
> >  Gil Robertson wrote
>  While one can undoubtable wait for devine revelation, if
> > playing
> > > with a few acres in one situation, but if one is working with many
> > properties, as
> > > Hugh and James are, there is a need to get accurate answers, quickly.
> >
> In HAstings NZ last weekend I was chatting with Joke Bloksma from the
> Louis Bolk Institute in Holland, who is here seminaring on Geothean
> observation. I wish to honour her part in the stimulation of these words
> rather than quote our conversation.
> We were discussing the difference between direct perception and dowsing.
> One of the important parameters of geothean intutition is the feelings,
> pictures, knowings and insights that one gains through ones Astral body
> and Ego when observing or more correctly percieving something.
> There are many other things that can be used as observations as well.
> However staying with this one experience. As one puts out an impulse
> into the environment through asking the question, the environment
> responses instantaneously with the answer. By 'Environment' I mean from
> the localised Astrality and higher Self/Ego out to the Collective
> Unconscious realms and beyond. There is immense intelligence contained
> in these spheres and they feed the answers back.
> The lesson is being able to accept the answers and the experience.
> Dowsing will access these same spheres however thru the route of the
> passive unconscious.The operator has to remain as neutral as possible to
> the response and allow the unconscious or even the higher self to speak
> indepenantly of the dowser. This is in contrast to the perciever being a
> wholly active participant in Geothean observation.
> It is not that dowsing is bad so much as a starting place and that one
> needs to progress thru to the personal experience of the awareness as
> quickly as one can.
> Today while talking with someone about the inner nature of the 8 pointed
> star, I said I can give you an experience of the answer in 3 minutes or
> I can tell you the answer immediately.* There is a world of difference
> in the knowingness of the person from this choice.
> This process is just another muscle we need to exercise to get
> functioning. However the first step on the journey must be taken.
> Try directly receiving the answer first and then check it with dowsing.
> I sure this will speed the process up.
> Once this is working well there is no extra time compared to dowsing, in
> fact its faster. No waiting for the swing.
> I am still a student of the path however experienced enough to say I
> know this process is real, worthy and possible.
> One of the side effects of our rush to extinction and the premature
> 'going to seed' of humanity, is that we are all becoming wildly
> intuitive very quickly. So this process is becoming easier. Just as
> dowsing was a practise of the 19th century, it too may be unnecessary
> for many in the very near present, due to our consciousness expansion.
> It is highly possible that in relation to 1750 consciousness, we are
> presently experiencing consciousness as if we were living at around
> 3200AD, if the industrial revolution never occurred.
> The times they are a changin' and fast.
> *Stand on the 4 cardinal points of the cross and then stand on the in
> between points and tell me what you experience.
> cheers
> Glen A
> --
> Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books & Diagrams
> See our web site @

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