Dear Gil.
I also find it fascinating to observe this mechanism that regulates what and
when plants will grow in a certain area.One factor that I have observed that
determines where a plant will grow has to do with the polarity of the land
and the polarity of the plant. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.
Where the polarity changes, so the vegetation changes.
Over a period of time I have followed the discussion on paramagnetic rock
dust, trying to follow a thread that I intuitively feel is not the answer to
explaining soil fertility. From my experience with working on our mountain,
it has become obvious that on these red basalt volcanic soils that are found
in various areas on the east coast of Australia, the key is to maintain the
organic matter in the soil.
All of my farming practices derive from this need to maintain organic matter
in the soil. While this strategy is important it is no more important than
to build up the nutrient profile of the soil. In an earlier post Jose spoke
about starving the soil of nutrients, which in turn will wind up starving
your bank balance. Unfortunately in Australia we dont get subsidies to be
Test a lot of practices against the whet stone of economics and many of them
come up wanting, because if we cannot sustain ourselves we are not really
farming sustainably. The economics of using potentised preps, and/or
potentised mineral substances will show that they work and are cost
Lili Kolisko in her longitudinal study over 20 years proved conclusively
that potentisation actually did work.Sixty years later there is still
argument over using potentised substance. Anyone who does not believe this
work can easily set about to replicate it in pot trials.
Last Friday Barbara and I went to a seminar at the newly established Organic
research centre at Bathurst where they had gathered a panel of speakers from
all over Australia to present their findings on research into "Carbon based
agriculture". Now that may not sound so exciting except that what they spoke
about was no different to what we discus on BDnow. They started off with the
need for maintaining organic matter content of the soil. The role of
microorganisms was covered, followed by a stroll through their first
tentative efforts at large scale compost making. What was interesting was
their acceptance of the fact that you could use homoeopathic doses of what
they call mineral enhancers or compost enhancers.  They did not need to know
how these enhancers were made, only seeing if there was any appreciable
measurable results.This confirmed my idea that we speak different languages
of a common tongue. You dont need to explain Biodynamics in physical terms,
if you accept the validity of some other persons argument then they are
prepared to listen to yours.
You state "It may be that the real function of the Preps is to do with
acting as an Antenna, a
 Resonator and a Transmitter, collecting, tuning and distributing energies
 (yet to be identified?) that are involved in life it's self." When I look
clairvoyantly at the effects of spraying out the preps it is as if I have
sprayed out billions of tiny crystals which receive cosmic energies and
condense them into a form that can be assimilated by all life forms.This
concurs with your proposition that the preps act as an antennae.
 Now this may fit in fine with ideas that we have to act physically to have
some effect, but how do we explain the use of a Moody coil or a Lakhovsky
coil to increase growth without coming to the conclusion of the the quantum
physicist that in reality there is only consciousness and energy.
Each one feeds upon and finds expression in the other.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gil Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 1:33 AM
Subject: Re: Frank Moody

> Hi! Deborah,
> There may well be specie specific energies. I do not know of any one
> identified them as yet, but may well have.
> Something that I find really fascinating, is the mechanism that tells one
> plant that it is OK to grown in a particular place and time, while many
> others do not try. If you dig up a square yard/ metre of soil from nearly
> anywhere and sieve it and identify the seeds present, you will almost
> find many that never germinate, except when there is a change of
> circumstance. This is where the spraying of weeds is counter productive,
> some other weed will just fill the void.
> >From the work of Phil Callahan and Australian John McCabe, we know that
> is possible to anaesthesia grass seed by using a particular frequency. The
> seed will continue to be in the soil, but not germinate. So maybe there is
> corresponding "Awake Call" frequency for some  plants.
> The sort of thing which is happening with FB, CP, Kites and for that
> direct application of Preps, is imperfectly understood. We all have our
> ideas, but they seldom line up with the next person. On this list and in
> many like forums (yes, I did not do Latin, should it be forii?) there is a
> lot of importance put on "bugs" in the Preps actually doing something in
> field. For many, this sounds like how Preps work. I have difficulty with
> this. To my thinking it is on an energetic level. I feel that if it was
> actual effect of the physical "bugs", it would be like physically applying
> fertiliser, any missed places would show, but this does not seem to be the
> case with Preps. If it was physical, would they not go through the fence
> take over the next paddock? Does anyone have any examples of escaping BD
> Preps? We have plenty of examples of escaping chemicals, but can anyone
> me vagrant BD Preps? Any BD site I have wondered with a shovel, has a
> discrete margin and I am yet to see any sign of self spreading.
> Thus, may I postulate that RS was about energy, rather than physical. Do
> not set a boundary by where we stop, when spreading Preps? It may be that
> the real function of the Preps is to do with acting as an Antenna, a
> Resonator and a Transmitter, collecting, tuning and distributing energies
> (yet to be identified?) that are involved in life it's self.
> There is no doubt that the Preps do work. But if one tries to explain them
> in physical terms, they are so far over parity, in known terms, they can
> do what they do do. I mean to say, what would one have to charge for
> something that will do more in grams to the hectare than other things will
> in tones to the hectare? I mean one truck load would fertilize whole
> counties.
> Why do not Governments make BD the only allowable form of agriculture.
> I think it is because we can not describe the process in physical terms,
> try to do so.
> The work of HL shows that the energy of the Preps can be demonstrably
> converted to the pattern of a Rae Card and pumped out on a FB. This shows
> that: at a Zero Physical presence, they still work. (Homoeopathics also
> and can also be stored and transported as a Rae Card). This must be at an
> energetic level. Years before HL and Hieronymus and others got into CPs
> FBs, in the early sixties or possibly even earlier, knob twiddles had Base
> Ten Rates and were broadcasting Biodynamic Energy.
> Would I be understating the bloody obvious, if I said that in the interest
> of the environment in which we live, we have an obligation to get the
> concepts of RS beyond the believing faithful and out into the real world.
> While we argue between our selves about "my bugs and better mannered bugs
> than your bugs", the real world is crying out for our knowledge.
> Why can we not work together and with Nature to get the message out there
> and get chemicals out of the system for all time?
> With Dutch Elm disease I imagine a starting point would be to try a normal
> BD cycle. The other thing that is fo great importance is top keep the
> disease out of Australia and possibly NZ. We still have healthy trees that
> can be used a source of future reintroduction, should the problem be over
> come. (I do not know, but expect NZ may also have healthy trees.) So next
> time you come down under, all the inspections and restrictions are also in
> the interest of other countries as we have healthy populations of lots of
> things that are under stress at home. As well as Elm Trees, we have a
> and very healthy camel population. We ship stud animals and meat to
> traditional camel countries who have major problems at home.
> Dutch Elm disease may also indicate a changing climate or other factors
> which has placed the Elm at the edge of it's range and therefore much
> weakened.
> In Australia we have "Mundulla (a small town) Yellows" a "disease" in Gum
> Trees. Large amounts of research money is being spent in search of a
> pathological cause, but Organic Farmer and author, Peter Bennett points
> that it only occurs on the down hill side of roads and car parks, where
> water off where vehicles have driven is allowed to run. It also coincides
> with the introduction of lead replacement fuel!!!! Something to think
> when buying land. Buy on the high side?
> I also note in passing, that it has been noted that the effect of Acid
> in not apparent where crushed paramagnetic road making materials are used
> close nearby.
> Gil
> Deborah Byron wrote:
> > Gil--This picture of the tree's front door is very interesting.  You
> > probably have heard about Dutch Elm disease which is still wiping out so
> > many magnificent old trees, in North America at least.  I'm wondering
> > whether radionics theory or Steiner's work, for that matter, indicate
> > why certain species of trees become so weakened and susceptible to fatal
> > diseases.  Perhaps the answer is as simple as pollution levels and
> > depletion of soils.  But this "front door" energy perspective makes me
> > wonder also about the world energy flow, holes in the Earth's sheaths
> > (ozone and others), the effects of diabolical projects like HAARP in
> > Alaska, etc, etc.  Is Moody able to restore sick trees solely by
> > redirecting the energy flow?  Do you suppose there's a species-specific
> > energy flow that could be augmented to combat the degradation of entire
> > species of trees?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Deborah

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