----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: What is Magic?

> Dear Michelle,
> There's no doubt you have really got the restorational bug.  Now you are
making BC and
> considering how to get the remedies in your irrigation sprays. This is
> do-able by radionically treating your tea and spray waters. It is another
> learning gradient,

Dear Hugh--
Yes, it would be.  Sometime I will call and visit with you about how to
radionically treat the tea and spray water.  I guess I thought the preps
would be "energized" or whatever process you call it in the brewing process
of the teas, so the whole batch would carry the energy.  Is that a correct
assumption, or am I way off base in my thinking.  Our brewers pump the water
in a vortice in the brewing process.  Help.
>  But one of my questions is, considering the nitrate contamination of your
> Oglalla Aquifer, how much salt nitrogen does your irrigation water

I looked it up here and our water tested at 2 ppm of nitrates.  So I don't
think that is a problem here, although I know that in some areas here it is
definitely a problem (although they crow about it.  One farmer I know
bragged that they got 100# of nitrogen applied just by pumping their water
for the season.  OH my God!  what a mess)

> If it is high enough, and I don't know right offhand how high is too high,
> irrigation will suppress the all-important azotobacter activity you need
> your soil to pull your nitrogen out of the air. Is your annual rainfall
any less?

Our rainfall is about 17-18 inches per year average, although we are in the
clutches of the driest 3 years since the 30's right now.

 What if you
> had adequate rainfall when you needed it? >
> Would you be interested in taking my rain making course if I give one in
> Wisconsin?
> Would you have any neighbors who haven't totally written you off as
> who would join you in taking the course?

 I would be interested in the course sometime.  I actually have a great
neighbor (he was here when you came for the pipes here) that was very
disappointed when you were unable to do the seminar in Santa Fe.  What would
it take in terms of attendance to do a seminar here or in this area?

> And don't take it too hard if people think you are beyond salvage. It is a
> badge of courage if anything. Hopefully they will find out before it is
> late, but they may go down the tubes and you can hardly help it. But I do
know making rain is practical, and it on the same order of practical that
> getting all your carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur and, most importantly,
> nitrogen out of the air for free. Everyone should be getting all these
> out of the air for free. We should be fine tuning our operations until we
> achieve this.  And we should get the rain we need for free and no longer
> depend on irrigation except for serious emergencies. Some say, the best
> things in life are free. In my reality this is true. I think you and Jack
> might share my reality with just a little encouragement. My next thought
> how might others?
I wish I knew.  Most folks can't begin to even go where we are with regards
to not using insecticides, balancing the soils, not using GMO's etc, etc let
alone talking about energy, rainmaking, etc.  We as farmers have backed
ourselves into the addict's slot complete with huge overheads and bank notes
to promote continual reliance on the "drugs" for the continued "high" of
production.  I can vouch for the fact that it takes a huge influx of equity
to suck it up and take the cure.  This process and system of farming is so
much more difficult because you actually have to think for yourself.  Not a
common practice is conventional ag.  It is so much easier to stop by the
co-op and have them pull samples and tell you what you need, when you need
it, then go put it on for you.  Doing anything else might interrupt your
golf game.  And the products we are working with now have the tendency to
try and grow in the tank (wow what a concept-vs salt based fertilizers, etc
that sterilize the tanks) such as the teas, liquid fish mixes, molasses,
etc.  That has been unique to try and deal with on pumps, sprayers etc.  So
I really don't know how to convince anyone else about anything except to
lead by example.  You seem to be doing a great job of that.

Best Regards-
Michelle Wendell

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