I would have thought
you'd get a group in Santa Fe easy - maybe the title scared them off?
Lloyd, Hugh, et al -

My impression is that the event was not publicized very well. I'm a Bioneer associate and I receieved no direct mail or email on this event. I imagine that the Bioneer people assumed that rain making is a local event and Santa Fe could fill the seats. In reality, real world issues such as agriculture or, I guess, rain making, are of no interest to the New Age crowd, at least in the US. (Same goes for ecology groups..they are also not really interested in agriculture or in understanding that lots of ecological problems, like the loss of hemlocks, are due to 'problems in the sky.')

The crowd for subtle energy work is a national crowd. You have to reach out to the entire united states to find a few dozen people who have interested (and feel a calling to them) in these topics that will motivate them to find the time and money to attend the events. My conference was attended by people from all over North America (none from Mexico this time, unfortunately) I find it telling that organic growers in my own county said they couldn't attend EVEN WITH A FREE PASS because they would miss markets by attending. In the meantime, people came from all over, missing their markets, allowing work to pile up in their patches, buying plane tickets, paying for lodging, and supporting the confernece by paying registrations. Such a group of people is a joy to spend time with. It leaves a soul glow that lasts for weeks.

Only through networking with like minds such as we do through BD Now! can the teachers reach the audience to a degree that will allow us to eventually build local networks of people who realize the power and the necessity of knowing how to work with subtle energies.

The interest is growing. I've been asked to teach a SECRETS OF THE SOILS class in a local horticulural series in the later winter. Bravo!

Evolution gave us the tools to co-evolve. Let's use them as often as we can!!


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