>  March/Early April eductional tour.
> Gary Zimmer, one of the US' foremost biological farming teachers, and
> Jerry Brunetti, Americas foremost

Hi Allan
Its on at Young in NSW   -  27/28th March cost $270 Australian for the two
Thanks for the tip off

On a different tack - I have some compost tea brewing - yes! aerated tea
just like the experts tell us to do. Only in my old rectangular milk vat
with paddle stirrer and sump pump recirculating the brew for aeration. I am
struck by how absurdly simple it is to do now that I have got the basic
principle figured out and have got away from all the hype of fancy,
expensive, machines, and super duper -you beaut, expensive feeds.
In 400 gal I put about 40 to 50 lb of good (BD prep'ed) compost (in a bag
made from plastic flyscreen mesh) , which included a couple double handfuls
each of BD Barrel compost and fresh Worm castings. Then for food 2 litres of
molasses,1 litre liquid kelp, a beancan of powdered humate. It seems to me
that low rates of feeding are the key to making aerobic tea with
"unsuitable" equipment.
This is just like biodynamics - experts make it seem toooooooo complicated
when its really simple - so people turn away or dont do it for fear of doing
it wrong.
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

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