Sure Mainteince and reproduction are the most important , do you know Dr.
Gerald Fry ..........fore me here uin Brazil  It´s probaly the one  most
important work´s a came across.

              Sincerly , Alberto

-----Mensagem original-----
nome de Peter Michael Bacchus
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2003 07:51
Assunto: Re: Dairy cows even in N.Z.

My expectation is that with improving the genetics for production that the
health factors receive less attention so good health in organic situations
is even more meaningful.
Since writing yesterday I have herd that Hella Bauer Eden has done such a
thesis. I will post a link or address if there is one next week.
To get juice out of grass many consultants here have some small plates
welded into the jaws of a pair of vicegrips. These put quite a pressure on
the herbage and work quite well on green grass.
When only sugar provides the sweetness the meal is not satisfying or leaves
one hungry. If there is a good measure of protein then there is a fullness
to the flavour and one feels satisfied and nourised and does not get hungry
again after an hour or two.

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