Dear Lloyd,
A most insightful post as usual. The dust arrived here today, complete with
fog. The sky was a most unusual colour with visibility probably down to
about 200 yards.
The problem with the rain around Albury is the geopathic stress line that I
mentioned in an earlier posting and the intense electromagnetic fields which
emanate from a large area going back into the Snowy Mountains Hydro electric
scheme and the effects of the power transmission cables. These intense
electromagnetic fields are  poisoning the Orgone  in the whole south eastern
area of NSW and  from power generation and transmission through NE Victoria.
Areas which have rivers running through comparatively flat country, or land
that has subterranean water has a problem with earth radiations caused by
geopathic stress. Most scholars of telluric and cosmic fields classify these
harmful radiations into two groups; surface and deep seated.These radiations
are propagated over land surfaces having good conductivity, a certain
percentage of damp and a mineralogical composition facilitating the passage
of positive electrical ions.
By origin these radiations are either cosmic or earthly. The Chinese refer
to them as either yin or yang. These two energies together are the basis of
all vital phenomena including rainfall. Excess of one or the other brings
about troubles, deficiencies, illness and death. It is this excess of
positive ions which cause problems in SE NSW with rainfall and I suspect

A polish forester Jerzy Mazurckzac proved conclusively the correlation
between these earth radiations and health. The experiment was quite simple.
An area was tested with a geomagnetometer to define the areas of geopathic
stress. dishes of a supersaturated salt solution were placed along the
stress lines and also some were placed in the neutral areas. the solutions
were allowed to dry and the crystals were then tested.  Salt crystals from
the geopathic stress area were grey and had a distinct distorted pattern.
the crystals were then tested with a photon emission testing instrument. The
solution which had been exposed to the positive ions from the geopathic
stress areas had five times the photon emissions  compared to those from the
neutral areas.
It is easy to see how cells in the body, being  mineral salts and water are
effected by these positive ions.
>From tuning in to the devas in that area they inform me that in their words
"the whole area is dead, there is no vitality, or life force as you would
call it. The nature spirits do not find much there to support them. The
position of the town is in an area that should never been built upon. The
seepage  from the river through the surrounding soils causes a massive
change in polarity, instead of being  negative polarity it is positive
it is the effects of the admixture of positive charge and electromagnetic
fields which is causing the problem there. The air is ionised with positive
ions. The fires in the mountain areas have also not helped. The long term
prognosis for the area is not good unless there is some major reworking of
the energy structure of the area. It would require earth acupuncture on a
scale as large as some of the major projects that have been undertaken in
the past." There is more to this but I think that this enough to give the
general drift. the problems of earth radiations have been with man since the
dawn of time and have inspired building of pyramids to maintain the
fertility of the Nile, to the era of building cathedrals along ley lines as
major projects to reverse problems deriving from earth radiations.

Taking as a starting point that this information could be correct, the
question then becomes how do we overcome such a potentially wide scale
destructive outcome for what some people regard as some of the best farming
country in Australia. It is not going to get better if we just stick our
heads in the sand and hope that it will go away. It is easy to say that man
should not be in the area, however I do not see that as being an option.
The problem can only be solved on a farm by farm basis. It will require
minor costs to change polarity of soils to counteract the saltwater beneath
which has changed the soil polarity over millions of hectares.
This could be done by the use of small coils, such as a Moody coil or
variants upon them such as Lakhovsky coils. It could even be done with the
radionic kites that Gil Robertson refers to often. The secret is going to be
to find methods of broadcasting the energy of sea water. Initial testing of
this hypothesis has indicated that radionic broadcast of sea water is able
to counteract the effects of positive ionisation.
Highly paramagnetic rock dust in 200 ml bottles can prove to be effective
diverting geopathic stress inside a house.
If there are any farmers from that area who would like to increase the
fertility of their soils by using techniques that have been developed to
over come this positive polarisation, if you contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I will be pleased to discuss it with you.
Hugh's techniques cannot be blamed for it not raining in Albury. There is a
structural energy problem there. The same problem applies to Colorado and
many areas around the world. After the Toowoomba workshop coastal areas had
18 inches in the next week. Coffs Harbour resulted in heavy rain and now
above average rainfall. After returning from Albury and using the
broadcasting of potentised sea water 12 inches of rain mostly in the area
being broadcast to. Areas off the map have had 3 or 4 inches.
To successfully treat the atmosphere  it is necessary to generate negative
ions to overcome the effect of the positive ions.
other trials have indicated that if you change the polarity of the soil that
the suite of weeds will change and insects will move out. This is a subject
for another post as it is after midnight now.
James Hedley
Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lloyd Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hugh Lovel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:12 AM
> Subject: Austr. Workshop/ What was the purpose?
> Dear Hugh,
> Tobias is correct about the rain around Albury, we had good rain at our
> (almost five inches) and there has been from two inches up to ten or so as
> you travel north from us into SE queensland, most of the eastern side of
> wheat belt and into the tablelands had useful to good falls and most of
> coastal strip from Victorian border to well up into queensland. The inland
> areas - western NSW and Queensland missed out and that is a large area of
> country - we had a not so subtle reminder of it yesterday - 40+ mph NW
> carrying red dust all day when the wind eased and turned south west last
> night we got visibility reduced to about 80 yards and quite a bit of
> fallout.
> The rain petered out as you got closer to Albury - most farmers around
> are probably not all that happy. However there are a few things to
> 1. There is several million acres of the alpine country and surrounding
> forest areas burnt to a cinder - mostly in an arc around the east and
> east of Albury, probably the most damaging wild fires we have had since
> white settlement.
> 2. much of this damage is within the catchment of the hume dam and a lot
> the rest is catchment for the snowy mountains hydro scheme
> 3. If the Albury area and east into the mountains had recieved the same
> amount and like manner of rain that we got on our farm, it would have been
> disaster of mammoth proportions , the Hume dam would now be half full of
> ash, mud and the remains of dead things, damage to infrastructure in the
> high country would be a huge mess - what that country most desperately
> is several light gentle falls of rain to germinate some ground cover and
> stabilise the soil before any major rainfall rips it to shreds.
> 4. When we do these radionic treatments we ask ''for the good of all and
> the detriment of no one'' or something of similar meaning - do we
> this as ''for the greater good''

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