Title: Re: radionics, voodoo, holy cards, and 3rd class relic

Markess wrote:
yes I am catholic as is an other or two on this list and yes we have and do use holy water and crystals ibuded (sp) with their own desires and the rates and concepts we ask them to whether found in St ... or my intuition is all for thee greater glory of Life & livingness!

Yes I am having trouble keeping up with all the threads under this topic heading.
But Thanks for the above. I hope you haven't taken anything I have said to be offensive to catholicism or your catholic beliefs. (I also hope any followers of voodoo haven't been offended, I deeply hope that!)  I have made comment about buying holy cards but that is not a swipe at catholic belief - only at the commercialisation.

So, do you see any relationships between the holy cards, relics and radionics, whether with preps or Rae cards?  What are the differences between all these?  Would it be possible to have Rae cards made for relics, or even holy water?
(The "it's all energy" point is accepted already, but is not of much use otherwise.)

Graeme Gerrard

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