> *I think William is right about developing natively on the beaglebone. The
> GUI design could be done from other desktop and copied to BBB, or done
> natively. So are the cpp files (if you are using C++, I don't know how to
> do other languages like Python or bonescript). But all the program files
> (to me there are only four: mainwindow.h, mainwindow.cpp, mainwindow.ui,
> and mian.cpp) should be kept together into a single folder (the folder's
> name should be the project's name), and compiled and built by very simple
> command as follows: 1) qmake - project; 2) qmake; 3) make.*

Well more exactly *compile* natively. But I think you got the idea. As for
the devils advocate "thing" I know what I would have done, and it probably
had nothing to do with what either of you were trying to accomplish.

So what I would have done - Is that I would have forgotten about the LCD,
and tossed together a Nodejs app, and had the GUI on a remote web browser
page. Honestly I really do not care for javascript much, but if I needed a
super quick proof of concept - that probably would have been the easiest
route for me. For you two . . . no idea.

Anyway, like I said, that does not sound like the direction that either of
you wanted to go.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Yongfan Men <henry...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Frank, thanks. The 'good sleep' really sounds ancient to me. But I love my
> wife and daughter, so everything that is in trade is worthy.
> Anyway, I'm glad that you feel more on track now. Let me know if you have
> any further questions (especially questions in detail) so that we can
> discuss and grow together.
> I'm also rookie in dealing with this little guy, but I'm confident that
> eventually both of us could be an expert on that because it's really a
> useful little thing. And FYI many start-ups are using BBB as the embedded
> systems in their products. For example, openqPCR <
> http://beagleboard.org/project/openqpcr/>. See the touch screen on the
> machine panel? We can do that soon, too!
> Have you read about a book that you can build a high-end home security
> system out of this BBB? I'm gonna do that when I build my own house in the
> future. I will.
> Henry
> 2015-07-27 16:31 GMT-04:00 Frank Rizzo <david.kucharc...@gmail.com>:
>> Henry, many thanks for the info and congrats on the new addition to the
>> family!
>> Some of the pages of the book are available online and the example
>> section at the end is exactly the example I was looking for. I went ahead
>> and ordered it off Amazon Prime.
>> Looks like installing QT4 and QT developer is all you really need on the
>> BBB to be able to run some quick GUI examples. This is great news!!!
>> I hope to have something running this weekend. Once again, thanks for
>> your time and I hope you get some sleep in the coming weeks ;-)
> --
>   门 涌帆 (Men Yongfan),  PhD
> BIOPIC building   Peking University
> +86 18611230987
> +86 10 62758323
> henry...@gmail.com
> --
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