
Thank you for your response. We are hoping to use two wiznet devices on the 
pocket beagle. 

The use case is difficult to describe, but the project requires that we 
have two Ethernet ports. 

I was able to utilize both SPI buses with the wiznet. I won't have a second 
wiznet to test using two on one pocket beagle until tomorrow. 

When I get my test results I'll be sure to update this form. 


On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 1:33:25 PM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 6:45 AM < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi Robert, 
> > 
> > Steve Kronk and I are working on the same project. I was able to help 
> him to get the wiz-click to work on SPI0, but I'm still having an issue 
> getting the SPI1 to work. 
> > 
> > When I use PB-SPI0-ETH-WIZ-CLICK.dtbo in the uEnv.txt it works fine, but 
> I've tried using PB-SPI1-ETH-WIZ-CLICK.dtbo on every address in the 
> uEnv.txt with no success. 
> > 
> > The objective of our project is to utilize two separate Ethernet ports 
> to transfer files with a pocket beagle 
> > 
> > While using SPI1, the wiznet powers up and the LEDs light up, but the 
> ethernet port is not set up. 
> > 
> > I'm using the most recent kernel and cape overlay. Any assistance would 
> be greatly appreciated. 
> > 
> > here is my 
> > 
> > debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo /opt/scripts/tools/ 
> > git:/opt/scripts/:[8807f233c5269052a0c8b87cd75567d21f773aa5] 
> > eeprom:[A335PBGL00A21743GPB42086] 
> > model:[TI_AM335x_PocketBeagle] 
> > dogtag:[ Debian Image 2018-06-17] 
> > bootloader:[microSD]:[/dev/mmcblk0]:[U-Boot 
> 2018.03-00002-gac9cce7c6a]:[location: dd MBR] 
> > kernel:[4.14.69-ti-r75] 
> > nodejs:[v6.14.3] 
> > uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_overlays=1] 
> > 
> uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_addr3=/lib/firmware/PB-SPI1-ETH-WIZ-CLICK.dtbo]
> > 
> uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_pru=/lib/firmware/AM335X-PRU-RPROC-4-14-TI-00A0.dtbo]
> > uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_cape_universal=1] 
> > pkg check: to individually upgrade run: [sudo apt install --only-upgrade 
> <pkg>] 
> > pkg:[bb-cape-overlays]:[4.4.20180914.0-0rcnee0~stretch+20180914] 
> > pkg:[bb-wl18xx-firmware]:[1.20180517-0rcnee0~stretch+20180517] 
> > pkg:[kmod]:[23-2rcnee1~stretch+20171005] 
> > 
> pkg:[roboticscape]:[0.4.4-git20180608.0-0rcnee0~stretch+20180609]:[GOT_REPLACED_BY_NEXT]
> > WARNING:pkg:[librobotcontrol]:[NOT_INSTALLED] 
> > pkg:[firmware-ti-connectivity]:[20170823-1rcnee1~stretch+20180328] 
> > groups:[debian : debian adm kmem dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video 
> plugdev users systemd-journal i2c bluetooth netdev cloud9ide gpio pwm eqep 
> admin spi tisdk weston-launch xenomai] 
> > cmdline:[console=ttyO0,115200n8 bone_capemgr.uboot_capemgr_enabled=1 
> root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 ro rootfstype=ext4 rootwait coherent_pool=1M 
> net.ifnames=0 quiet] 
> > dmesg | grep pinctrl-single 
> > [    1.110072] pinctrl-single 44e10800.pinmux: 142 pins at pa f9e10800 
> size 568 
> > dmesg | grep gpio-of-helper 
> > [    1.118532] gpio-of-helper ocp:cape-universal: ready 
> > END 
> Everything looks fine ^... 
> Are you by chance trying to use "two" Wiznet devices on one PocketBeagle? 
> Otherwise, i just have one unit and just retested with this setup: 
> debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo /opt/scripts/tools/ 
> git:/opt/scripts/:[8807f233c5269052a0c8b87cd75567d21f773aa5] 
> eeprom:[A335PBGL00A21740GPB42206] 
> model:[TI_AM335x_PocketBeagle] 
> dogtag:[ Debian Image 2018-09-16] 
> bootloader:[microSD]:[/dev/mmcblk0]:[U-Boot 
> 2018.09-00002-g0b54a51eee]:[location: dd MBR] 
> kernel:[4.14.69-ti-r75] 
> nodejs:[v6.14.4] 
> uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_overlays=1] 
> uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_addr0=/lib/firmware/PB-SPI0-ETH-WIZ-CLICK.dtbo
> ] 
> uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_pru=/lib/firmware/AM335X-PRU-RPROC-4-14-TI-00A0.dtbo]
> uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_cape_universal=1] 
> pkg check: to individually upgrade run: [sudo apt install --only-upgrade 
> <pkg>] 
> pkg:[bb-cape-overlays]:[4.4.20180914.0-0rcnee0~stretch+20180914] 
> pkg:[bb-wl18xx-firmware]:[1.20180517-0rcnee0~stretch+20180517] 
> pkg:[kmod]:[23-2rcnee1~stretch+20171005] 
> pkg:[librobotcontrol]:[1.0.2-git20180829.0-0rcnee0~stretch+20180830] 
> pkg:[firmware-ti-connectivity]:[20170823-1rcnee1~stretch+20180328] 
> groups:[debian : debian adm kmem dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video 
> plugdev users systemd-journal i2c bluetooth netdev cloud9ide gpio pwm 
> eqep admin spi tisdk weston-launch xenomai] 
> cmdline:[console=ttyO0,115200n8 bone_capemgr.uboot_capemgr_enabled=1 
> root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 ro rootfstype=ext4 rootwait coherent_pool=1M 
> net.ifnames=0 quiet] 
> dmesg | grep pinctrl-single 
> [    1.084222] pinctrl-single 44e10800.pinmux: 142 pins at pa f9e10800 
> size 568 
> dmesg | grep gpio-of-helper 
> [    1.092500] gpio-of-helper ocp:cape-universal: ready 
> END 
> Both: 
> uboot_overlay_addr0=/lib/firmware/PB-SPI0-ETH-WIZ-CLICK.dtbo 
> and 
> uboot_overlay_addr0=/lib/firmware/PB-SPI1-ETH-WIZ-CLICK.dtbo 
> bring up the interface just fine: 
> eth0: flags=-28605<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,DYNAMIC>  mtu 1500 
>         inet  netmask  broadcast 
>         inet6 fe80::9c00:c6ff:feff:5555  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link> 
>         ether 9e:00:c6:ff:55:55  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet) 
>         RX packets 80  bytes 13133 (12.8 KiB) 
>         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0 
>         TX packets 61  bytes 10342 (10.0 KiB) 
>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0 
> debian@beaglebone:~$ ping 
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 
> ttl=50 time=46.3 ms 
> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 
> ttl=50 time=47.5 ms 
> Regards, 
> -- 
> Robert Nelson 

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