Greetings to all the expert Owners of Bernese Mt. Dogs!

    My name is Kenny and I reciently fell in love with the BMD!  I am
seriously considering,,  I mean I'd love to own a BMD!! However I
have a few concerns:
Shedding/is my home large enough/temperment/barking/and will the breed fit
into my lifestyle?

I live in a 3 floor townhome with a fenced in back yard (20' X35"),
hopefully daily walks and the small yard will please the breed? Last week I
dog sitted my sisters 70Lb. Golden Retriever to experience life with a large
dog (although 20 or 30Lbs < a Berner). The first two days were difficult in
that he was heavly shedding and the hair was a nusance! However I seemed to
adjust by day three and just vacummed and brushed daily! By the end of the
week I and my family were attached to this beautiful dog. "Bernie" filled
our home with a special warmth and love with his laid back temperment. He is
missed, as he went home 3 days ago and my children, (3boys, 20,12,9) enjoyed
him greatly. I'm told the berners are similar in temperment to the Golden?
Finally barking, neighbors have a Sheltie and a besicon that are cronic
barkers and is quite unplesant at times! I prefer a controlled to
non-existent barker. You may ask, why not get a Golden? I just loved the
look and size of the BMD!!!!
I met a few breeders and found one I am comfertable with. I met her and her
BMD's and loved playing with all of them.
I guess I'm seeking advice or reassurance that my home and lifestyle will
accomidate a Berner.

Thanks for any possible advice!

Kenny B.

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