----- Original Message ----- 
>Shedding/is my home large enough/temperment/barking/and will the breed fit
into my lifestyle?

Kenny -- of COURSE you'd love to have a BMD!!! Who in their right mind
wouldn't. There. Now that that's out of the way...

1.) Shedding - yes! Be prepared. We brush our dogs almost every day, but
I'll still see Berner "babies" rolling across the floor sometimes. And get
used to hair in everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!

2.) We are on BMD #2. We now have a house with a good-sized yard, but that
was not the case with BMD #1. Part of the time that we had him (120lb intact
male), we lived in a duplex apartment (1 floor, 916 sq ft) with a small back
yard (60' long but only 6' wide at one end and 28' wide at the other).
Actually, we had 2 dogs in that yard/home.

We walked/ran with them almost daily, and they had free access to yard &
apartment during good weather when we could leave the door open.

3.) Temperment - varies just like with people, but generally good. Both our
boys have been a bit head-strong, but they were both rescues that did not
have consistent training & discipline. Both got to be pretty laid-back with

4.) Barking - neither of our boys barked much at all. In fact, even when the
annoying neighbor dogs bark, ours rarely do. We also are quite clear that
barking for "no reason" is unacceptable. Training goes a long way ;-)

5.) Lifestyle - I think you'll find that the "lifestyles of the berner-ly"
are quite varied. I think BMDs, if they get love & attention & discipline,
can fit into most lifestyles. Just don't get a BMD as a "trophy" and expect
it to sit quietly until you are ready to pay attention to it - they need
attention from you.

Other things... both our boys have LOVED children. They would sit/stand very
quietly while neighbor kids come up to pet them.

Best wishes in your pursuit of a BMD. I have nothing to back this up
scientifically, just my personal opinion, but I think boys are more even
tempered and easier to get along with than girls (dogs, cats, horses,
sometimes even people!)

Let us all know what you decide.

Liz Steinweg & The Crew
Blue Moon's Baloo Berry Torte "Baloo"
Bobby Sox (husky-x), Figaro (20+ lb Forest Cat)
Rio & Sahara (the "Rat Cats")
and in loving memory of my 1st BMD - Toby (6/29/97 - 6/30/00 lost to MH)
Colorado Springs CO


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