mherger wrote: 
> > This has been happening for a while and I can't pinpoint why. I'll
> queue
> > up a couple of hundred songs (maybe 20 albums) and without any
> apparent
> Songs from your local collection or some music service? What file format
> (if local), what service? Did you check the server.log file for any 
> hint? Is this reproducible with those tracks, eg. would the same track 
> always not play to the end?
> I doubt it's the age of your build, but I'd update anyway.
> -- 
> Michael

Local collection, all FLAC, nothing unusual in server log (not sure what
logging should be escalated), not reproducible for any particular track
but happens with some irregular frequency. If I play the track again it
will play to the end and subsequent tracks will play but eventually it
will happen with another track. Build is Logitech Media Server Version:
7.9.0 - 1463044970 @ Thu May 12 09:33:04 CUT 2016

Home: Win7Pro(x64)[3.3Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 120GB SSD system, 15TB storage],
LMS 7.9.0 -> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic
-> NAD C160 -> 2 x NAD C272 -> Quad 22L2
Portable: FreeNAS 9.3 [HP Microserver Gen8, 10GB RAM, 16GB flash boot,
120GB SSD for LMS 7.9.0 in FreeBSD jail, 5 x 4TB WD Red HD ZFS RAIDZ1]
-> Logitech Squeezebox Classic V.3 -> Cambridge Audio DacMagic: XLR out
-> Soundmaster Diamond 12-2 mixing board -> P.A.
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