On Jan 17, 2013, at 22:25, dstall wrote:

> I put settings back to original -
> Full path to pdflatex: /usr/texbin/pdflatex
> Full path to bibtex: /usr/texbin/bibtex
> I select Export from File menu, then choose RTF for File Format.
> I still get nothing but a copy of the same ChicagoCitationTemplate.rtf file
> with the code I copied from your post.
> Is there something missing?

Again, the RTF choice for export and copy uses bibtex to generate the data. And 
that output depends on the bibtex style that is chosen in the prefs.

If you want to export in the RTF generated from a template (like the default 
RTF template) than you should select *that* template style.

And I am not sure what you mean by getting a copy of the same 
ChicagoCitationTemplate.rtf file. Unless you did something wrong, you should 
never just get a copy of a template file.


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