On 5/8/13 12:25 PM, Cathy Almond wrote:
On 08/05/13 08:26, Tom Sommer wrote:

I have a problem with one of 3 slave servers, all set up the exact same
way, with the exact same bind version and configuration.

One slave has a problem transfering zones from the master.

The logfiles are flooded with "received notify for zone" .. "refresh in
progress, refresh check queued" lines and "rndc status" returns a
constant high number of "soa queries in progress".
After a few hours the zones are transfers, so the connection to the
master is working, but there is a major delay. I tried resetting the
slave and transfering ALL slave zones again, which worked fine
instantly. The problem still appeared again after a few hours though.

The master has three network-paths, one on external IP, one on internal
IP and one on IPv6. All 3 paths work fine, because the transfers happen
after an hour or so.

There is no hints in the master's log.
The other two slaves are running perfectly, no errors or delays what so

Bind version 9.9.2-P2 (recently upgraded to).

Any hints would be appreciated, as I feel like I've exhausted most options.

Thank you.
Have a look at this KB article (you'll need to register to view - but
registration is open to all):


Also - and this isn't covered in that article (yet) - if you're using
views, then use-alt-transfer-source defaults to 'yes'.  You might want
to set it explicitly to 'no' or to define alt-transfer-source
and/or alt-transfer-source-v6.

Thank you, great resource. I think I solved it with raising serial-query-limit, it's just odd that it's not required on the other two servers.

Another issue has arisen now though, the logfile is filled with lots of
named[5596]: zone example.com/IN: refresh: failure trying master (source operation canceled

But if I do a "dig example.com @" it's working just fine. Same server as with the previous issue.

Any thoughts? Thank you.

// Tom
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