On 15/05/13 15:58, Tony Finch wrote:
> Tom Sommer <m...@tomsommer.dk> wrote:
>> That works fine, but I think I figured out the problem, it was due to
>> the server having acquired a 2nd (autodiscovered) IPv6 address, and it
>> was using that as transfer source. It would be very helpful if the
>> logfile said the actual source IP, and not just or ::#0. That
>> would help debugging a lot.
> I have found that if you have multiple master addresses listed for a slave
> zone, named will not fall back to trying later addresses if the first one
> fails.
> Tony.
The speed of fall-back through the masters list may depend on whether or
not you set "try-tcp-refresh no;" in named.conf.

Another contributing factor is whether the failure mode is immediate
(ICMP error or connection failure) or has to time out from named's

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