On Fri, 10 Sep 2004, Chris Grossmann wrote:

> xv PTO.gif
>  (right click on image)
>  (press "root" button)

I tried before I posted and tried again, but it doesn't do anything for

In my case, the old, probably insecure, xv 3.10 I am using has a "Root"
menu that shows Window with a checkbox. And it shows teh rest of the
options very dimly and they can not be selected.

Maybe it is because I am using an "UNREGISTERED COPY".

So I read the section in xvdocs.ps about root mode. I can make it display
the root image with -root (I already new that) and -rmode. But I can't get
any xv menu.

Anyone have any clues on how to get xv to have that Root menu to work?

  Jeremy C. Reed
echo 'G014AE824B0-07CC?/JJFFFI?D64CB>D=3C427=>;>6HI2><J' |
tr /-_ :\ Sc-y./ | sed swxw`uname`w

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