I expect the output to look this (non Java app)

0xe048ec: before manage (259, 172) w: 800, h: 600
0xe048ec: initial (259, 172) w: 800, h: 600
0xe048ec: after hints (259, 172) w: 800, h: 600
0xe048ec: sizes reflect the frame from now on
0xe048ec: after upsize (0, 0) w: 802, h: 619
0xe048ec: after gravity (259, 172) w: 802, h: 619
0xe048ec: after configure (259, 172) w: 802, h: 619
0xe048ec: end of constructor (259, 172) w: 802, h: 619
0xe048ec: just before show (259, 172) w: 802, h: 619

You seem to be missing most of the debug messages, did you only apply the
verbose2 patch?

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