David Kuntadi wrote:

> If we
> could have desktop without x, that would be marvellous. We could have
> very fast desktop that could run on very old hardware, and even faster
> on new hardware.

Hmm.  Browser based management tools from server console is nice use of 
fb, but double clicking links would be a nice feature for my server toy 
given it's target audience...as if I'll ever find time to work on it again.

> links -g do not have write access to /dev/fb0, and requires to run as root.

No.  According to 55-lfs.rules, just add your user to the video group.

If you slap together a writeup on the wiki, I'll try and give it a test 
run in a few weeks.  Maybe it'll get into the book someday, but that is 
a big order to fill at this time.

-- DJ Lucas

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