On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Chris Staub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BLFS already has plenty of packages listed that don't need X. The main
> problem is that different users have different definitions of "complete
> desktop environment." It's up to the users to pick and choose what they
> want - that's the whole point of BLFS. If you like, you can write a
> guide describing your own idea of a "complete desktop environment
> without X" and submit it to LFS Hints.

What I have in mind is a desktop environment similar to gnome, but I
do not know yet exactly what packages should be included. Now I am
trying to install firefox without x (using frame buffer), hopefully it
is working.

So, may be we should have at least:

    Graphical web browser
    Graphical chat
    word processor
Audio and Video:
     Video player
     Audio Player

And may be some games and utilities.

And for login may be use Qingy instead of getty? Once login, it should
fire up a "desktop" with menu of available software there.

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