On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 09:53:57PM +0100, Thomas Trepl wrote:
> Hi all,
> there is a problem as my raid device is read-only so
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/checkfs fails.
> The machine is built on the C236 chipset and I have enabled raid5.
> There are 3 1TB disks combined to an raid-5 array.
> The partiton type is gpt, grub+EFI installed on /boot. the partition
> layout is
> /dev/md126p1 /boot
> /dev/md126p2 swap
> /dev/md126p3 /       (ArchLinux)
> /dev/md126p4 /       (LFS-1)
> /dev/md126p5 /       (LFS-2)
> /dev/md126p6 /home
> /dev/md126p7 /srv
> /dev/md126p8 /data

I have no experience of RAID5, nor of making partitions within RAID
devices, and I was initially surprised to see such as high-numbered
device (126), but I suspect that is an Arch thing.  From what I've
no written below, maybe DM Raid ?

But the usual question to ask when something stops working is: what
has changed since it was last working ?  I'm assuming you've had
this working in both Arch and LFS, but I start to think this might
be a new setup ?

> Arch is booting quite well. I've taken Arch's kernel config, built the
> kernel for LFS with this config, created an initramfs using BLFS's
> mkinitramfs script.

If you are able to get into LFS, e.g. from chroot, I would try
rebuilding the kernel using 'Y' for any DM options, and for the
required MD options.  I've only used RAID1 on LFS, and not for the
/boot or / devices, so no idea if that setup works in current LFS.

> I found that the mkinitramfs script misses "readlink" and "basename"
> which are called somewhere within udev. A patch for that see below. The
> patch eliminates some error mesages in early boot stage, but changed
> nothing of the ro-issue.
> I found systemd stuff in the udev rules dealing with mdraid.
> Unfortunatly, I'm not used enough to udev rules to say whether this may
> be something to think about. ArchLinux does use systemd, I'm building
> stricktly non-systemd systems. Those udev rules are
> ./lib/udev/rules.d/63-md-raid-arrays.rules  and
> ./lib/udev/rules.d/64-md-raid-assembly.rules
> Any ideas what could be the reason why devices are read-only?
From an Arch forum at https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=137058

| mdadm --readwrite /dev/md126 reports no errors, but md126 remain
| read only
| However, after:
| mdadm --stop /dev/md126
| sudo mdadm --assemble --scan

| It worked, and mountable for write
| But after reboot it became r/o again

The only things I really got from that are:

· you might be using DM raid ?

· the initcpio needed /sbin/mdmon added to it

But maybe the things in that conversation will mean more to you than
to me.  Beyond that, do you have the same /etc/mdadm.conf in Arch
and LFS, and can you get any useful output from mdadm or mdmon (or
dmesg) ?

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boots with stiletto heels for such a barefaced truth.
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