I don't know if this is the proper place for this problem but since I'm experiencing it from my lfs systems I'd like to mention it.

My problem is when I use one of my lfs systems with unbound it screws up my network upsteam, probably at my wireless router. What's happening is if I use my lfs system running unbound and then switch to another lfs system not running unbound, that system's dns does not seem to work. Trying browser connections to anywhere doesn't work. It appears that unbound does something to screw up dns at the router. I have to restart the lfs system a few times for the network to work again.

So, I boot lfs SVN-20180323, which is running unbound, and continue adding more software for a while.

Then I'll reboot to lfs 8.0 which is my main system and not running unbound. Network doesn't work, at least the dns part. The connection is up but dns fails. I can reboot to lfs 8.0 a couple more times and eventually dns will start working. Since lfs 8.0 knows nothing about unbound the previous running of it on lfs SVN-20180323 must have must mess up router dns somehow. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Because of unbound problems I stopped using it on lfs 8.0 and use a static config of for my address and use google dns servers listed in /etc/resolv.conf.

I'll do this also for lfs SVN-20180323, just haven't got around to it yet.

I am writing this to call attention to the fact that unbound has called me problems. It's not a show-stopper but I just wanted to mention it.

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