There are also other developers who have expressed interest, but due to the 
costs associated with rewriting part of their engines, it’s not something they 
can do.
As was mentioned by Mark from Ablegamers at my Panel, Rockstar considered it, 
but the costs outweight the rewards. Just one of those annoying facts of life.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jack Falejjczyk
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] Gaming without aiming pannel

Zaire, the closest thing to that switch you mention is the fact that
the text to speech API is now open to devs on the xbox1. Microsoft is
by far the most dedicated to console accessibility, and maybe even
pushing game accessibility in and of itself with what the developers
of Killer Instinct have done and are in the process of doing. Liam's
right though, the big investment is definitely not worth it due to the
return value. It's basically us against the world, and we're a very
small percentage of their audience. This is why Liam mentioned
specifically talking to Indie devs first, thereby starting from the
bottom, since they are not usually under the umbrella of publishers
firstly, and second because they're not corporations and can be
dedicated to accessibility if they want to. But some big-names are
already taking the initiative which is fantastic, the folks at Nether
Realm  are stepping in the right direction with interactable object
and health meter audio cues, the developers of Killer Instinct are not
only putting so much thought into the audio landscape but gave us a
nice surprise by showing up on, same with EA and their
sports division being extremely! dedicated to accessibility. So at
this point, the pattern is that we get in touch with Indie devs in
particular, and if a major developer takes notice, they may reach out
to us first.

On 9/26/17, Liam Erven <> wrote:
> The problem with that is that it would require manufacturers to add extra
> stuff to the console.
> We’re a very small minority, so what we’re going to get is going to be very
> minimal. Doesn’t mean we can’t try for things, but we’ll see very minor work
> done until such time as it’s profitable for console makers to make sweeping
> changes.
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Zaire Johnson
> Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [blind-gamers] Gaming without aiming pannel
> I saw Liam's pannel and I really liked it. As a farely new gamer as far as
> New audio games goes it was verry intresting. I hope you do another one soon
> on youtube Liam. Before I leave I have a gamer console suggestion that some
> of the makers of video game consoles like plastation and xbox could try. Why
> don't they make a switch on the hardware that you could turn on a and off
> for audio discription or voice over for the games they make? Well, that's my
> take on the pannel as a game player. Keep up the good work Liam.

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