Given the tests Aprone recorded, we know for certain that it was designed on 
Windows 8 or later.

From: "Paul Lemm" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 18:00
To: <>
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far you would go as to 
merging your reality with the gaming one?

Hi Shaun,

That’s a shame they are no longer being sold. I actually don't think I've 
tried it on my windows 10 machine, I think I might have to go give that a 
try and see if I can get it to  work and then go  shoot up some zombies over 
in swamp haha.


-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Shaun 
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far you would go as to 
merging your reality with the gaming one?

The c monkey is not being made simply because not many bought it so it was 

Its a pitty but I am not sure how valid it is for anything past win7 or xp 

On 22/03/2019 6:58 AM, Paul Lemm wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Although I appreciate it's not virtual reality in  the manner people are 
> discussing , but Jeffrey mentioned  head tracking, which is one of the key 
> components of current main stream VR on phones or console. We actually as 
> blind gamers have something similar to this already, with the sea monkey 
> by Aprone. I’m not sure if he’s still making them or not, but it’s a 
> device you put on your head  and it tracks your head movement, I believe 
> it may be possible to get it to work with  other games, but I believe it 
> was designed to work with swamp,, so that as you move your head it will 
> turn your character in game. I actually have one myself, and think its a 
> great invention and although not strictly VR, it at least gives us a  kind 
> of glimpse of how sighted gamers  can look all around them in their game 
> world through moving their head.
> Paul Lemm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> On Behalf Of Lenron
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 11:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far you would go as to 
> merging your reality with the gaming one?
> the so called dangers of it don't bother me right now. Hell it's at least 
> a few years off before it's as good as we might want it anyways.
> I am a risk taker anyways.
> On 3/21/19, marcio via Groups.Io <> 
> wrote:
>> Shaun,
>> Again you are so right on all of your just said!
>> Like I said, whenever I talk about it, I make sure to also talk about
>> how dangerous this can be and it should be considered before anything 
>> else.
>> Now, well, what I wouldn't give to have the same experience you had
>> with the headset :)
>> Cheers,
>> Marcio
>> AKA /Starboy/
>> Follow or add me on Facebook <>
>> Em 21/03/2019 07:30, Shaun Everiss escreveu:
>>> Well startrek did have the safety systems in their holodecks but even
>>> then.
>>> If a reality was to merge with a gaming one, there would have to be
>>> differences betwene actual real life or actual reality.
>>> Things like well a day of game life would be an hour or less of real
>>> life could be a minute, and if you got adicted hmmm all sorts of issues.
>>> To be honest, even if vr would become a reality, its doubtfull that
>>> most of us would be able to afford it on a large scale.
>>> I got close to it during one of my research studdies, I had a gaming
>>> 3d headset, and used an iphone to play a game, I closed my eyes, the
>>> place was darkened, and I was able to enter some sort of different
>>> reality even though I never actually moved from my location.
>>> After it was all over, I asked exactly how much for someone like me
>>> to do it again for myself.
>>> You would need a computer or iphone for that to work.
>>> However the cost of the set alone bulky that it was would cost me 500
>>> us +.
>>> While I could afford it, thats still a lot of cash, Now I can
>>> probably afford 1-200 bucks at a stretch, but thats a lot so I only
>>> spend more than that if I need something.
>>> Whenever I have had to really spend a huge amount, upgrading voices,
>>> tech, etc like I did this year with the help of my family, it
>>> basically means that my spend cash for anything huge is gone for at
>>> least 6 months or so.
>>> Assuming nothing like drives fail or something important happens I
>>> can try again.
>>> But there are always other things to get.
>>> Due to the fact I have fibre, I will eventually need a new router for
>>> things to run right.
>>> While the 500 dollar router is an isp one and is therefore free to
>>> me, the 100 or so bucks for the upgrade of the extender is something
>>> I need to get.
>>> I am not sure if I will get it but I may get an external firewall box
>>> which may cost 200 bucks.
>>> I spent 500 alone on upgrades I needed to get this year alone for the
>>> systems, and well, a set well who knows.
>>> Its not on the top of my priorities.
>>> Now I have sets similar to what I tested but not in that class but
>>> they work.
>>> If I get through this year and don't need to cough up cash for
>>> something that fails or something in my offline life that needs
>>> fixing, then the next bit of cash I need to spend is to upgrade the
>>> almost dead server that handles some things that are mostly
>>> transfered to other places.
>>> And there are other projects I want to get at.
>>> I have to many sets to afford the space for more in any case.
>>> Space is the issue for some stuff.
>>> As for an actual vr set, I don't know if its worth it.
>>> For the blind high quality headphones that fit over the ear are enough.
>>> Even if all the things with vr actually worked, you would a need a
>>> way to bail out if an emergency happened etc.
>>> And while I can get carried away now, I can't do it while people are
>>> out of the house in fact a lot of the time I don't use the headset
>>> because of this.
>>> Cutting out all sences can be dangerous.
>>> Look at pokemon go.
>>> That was an orgmented reality game.
>>> True, there was a craze, some people got really into the spirrit of it.
>>> But while there were even themed stores and stuff in real life, the
>>> fact was that there were issues which would make the user think twice
>>> about getting carried away with something that could sporn objects
>>> anywhere using the real world for objects and the like.
>>> There are gaming arieas in random places, war zones, houses,
>>> forbidden places, some rumors.
>>> People have gone to arieas in game that were in the middle of roads,
>>> and have gotten run over.
>>> People have gone into houses to play because there was an ariea in
>>> the phone, and got shot.
>>> Its reported north corria has some between them and south and well
>>> there are military bases with gaming arieas in them.
>>> People have lost jobs, and real lives over orgmented reality and
>>> thats only going to get worse.
>>> There are warnings that people live in their phones even to the point
>>> that married couples can't leave their phones, kids and adults alike.
>>> For a more recent game, think fortnight.
>>> Children have got so addicted they will play for days on end, not
>>> eat, sleep, go to school, they will get stuck in the game.
>>> My question to you then is, should we even start.
>>> This is not real vr just yet, but there is a lot of evidence that
>>> even orgmented psudo reality if not used right is quite dangerous.
>>> This excludes anyone that wants to do malicious things in it.
>>> I mean a vr virus could exist, vr chrimes, etc.
>>> We allready have the net.
>>> The neet is like the real world almost.
>>> We try to control it and barely can do so.
>>> We do have laws for some stuff, but most of us only stay on the edge
>>> of the net world.
>>> The dark web is in the middle of it, and its like mobville, a lot of
>>> bad stuff happens online a lot more than we can actually handle right
>>> now.
>>> While we have rules inforcing laws accross borders is a challenge.
>>> Unless you are like china or other countries that sensor everything
>>> and kill anyone that goes against anything they think is bad.
>>> Even then, you can't really control the net, its just to big.
>>> If we can't control the net well barely control it, we can't control vr.
>>> There are to many security breaches netwide to call the net a safe
>>> place to live in.
>>> Now we do, but thats another story.
>>> We are not ready for vr, and the net is getting big fast.
>>> They say ai will destroy us, I suspect that we aren't ready for that
>>> either.
>>> The only reason most of us aren
>>> 't dead yet is probably because we don't know half of what is going
>>> on online we just do whatever is needed.
>>> Once we control the world, and the net and our reality first then we
>>> can decide on what is next.
>>> We are going to get into a situation where barely control will be no
>>> control, and well you loose control of everything and boom its all over.
>>> We barely have control to what you would concidder full control, we
>>> know enough but not enough at the same time.
>>> Right now it all looks cool, but no one has thought about later just 
>>> yet.
>>> On 21/03/2019 9:26 PM, marcio via Groups.Io wrote:
>>>> Shaun,
>>>> Of course you are right!
>>>> The idea of merging these two things into only one would be very
>>>> dangerous.
>>>> That's why, whenever this subject come in, I make sure to say that
>>>> if we ever could get to that point, then it would have to be done
>>>> very, very carefully, considering most (if not all) of the possible 
>>>> scenarios.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>> Follow or add me on Facebook <>
>>>> Em 21/03/2019 05:16, Shaun Everiss escreveu:
>>>>> I wouldn't to be honest.
>>>>> Firstly, look at the matrix.
>>>>> Then read better than life red dwarf book and you would find
>>>>> several reasons why completely merging realities just isn't a good 
>>>>> idea.
>>>>> Merging reality with the real world is fine as long as you can get
>>>>> out again.
>>>>> For me gaming is a way to get away from reality, I know people that
>>>>> can get adicted to the real thing but I do also know if I need to
>>>>> stop I can get up out of my chair and just do it.
>>>>> Games are games, reality is reality.
>>>>> If you read all the scifi books and movies about, the general ting
>>>>> is yes you can, but then its really not a good idea to try to mess
>>>>> with that.
>>>>> Even if you could, the expence of the gear is a big drawback.
>>>>> As far as you can do with audio then fine, but the rest I don't know.
>>>>> On 21/03/2019 8:23 PM, marcio via Groups.Io wrote:
>>>>>> Well, it must have someone interested in all of this we have to talk!
>>>>>> It's just a matter of look for the right person.
>>>>>> Maybe if we could spread about this list, this subject would very
>>>>>> well attract some attention of someone on this :)
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>> Follow or add me on Facebook <>
>>>>>> Em 20/03/2019 16:03, Ron Kolesar escreveu:
>>>>>>> I also agree on that point.
>>>>>>> But who to get a hold of to tell them our stories?
>>>>>>> Ron
>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Lenron
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:30
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far you would
>>>>>>> go as to merging your reality with the gaming one?
>>>>>>> It would be cool if we could talk to a company that was working
>>>>>>> on VR, so that accessibility and things are not an after thought.
>>>>>>> You know getting in on the ground floor.
>>>>>>> On 3/19/19, marcio via Groups.Io
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Lenron,
>>>>>>>> This could be a good solution as well. One I hadn't thought of,
>>>>>>>> by the way.
>>>>>>>> See, guys, there are some interesting ideas! I'm thinking, maybe
>>>>>>>> there is someone we can talk with to discuss these ideas and
>>>>>>>> perhaps turn them (or at least some of them) into reality?
>>>>>>>> What you guys think about it?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Marcio
>>>>>>>> AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>> Follow or add me on Facebook
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> Em 19/03/2019 14:31, Lenron escreveu:
>>>>>>>>> I am willing to bet you could choose your sensory input levels
>>>>>>>>> maybe.
>>>>>>>>> Like maybe you would only feel 20 percent of the pain or
>>>>>>>>> something on easy mode.
>>>>>>>>> On 3/19/19, marcio via Groups.Io
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Interesting point, Devin!
>>>>>>>>>> Your point seem to be in accordance with Luke's one.
>>>>>>>>>> However, as we (John - I think - and I have said), just
>>>>>>>>>> because we're blind in real life, doesn't mean we have/need to
>>>>>>>>>> be when playing, after all, it's a game.
>>>>>>>>>> Whatever road, though, would bring us a lot of fun. I imagine
>>>>>>>>>> the other players would actually be surprised if they ever see
>>>>>>>>>> a person with a cane among them. Lol
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Marcio
>>>>>>>>>> AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>>> Follow or add me on Facebook
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> Em 19/03/2019 09:58, Devin Prater escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>> I really think Virtual reality would be great for learning to
>>>>>>>>>>> use sensory substitution things, like the vOICe, at
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Besides that though, being able to see in a VR game would be
>>>>>>>>>>> really hard to simulate for a blind person, unless the things
>>>>>>>>>>> we use, like a virtual cane and such, were invissible for
>>>>>>>>>>> other players. And even then, we'd be slower than others,
>>>>>>>>>>> just by the fact that we'd have more info to take in, we'd
>>>>>>>>>>> have to physically explore our enviornment with the cane
>>>>>>>>>>> rather than just turn the head to look around, and, so things
>>>>>>>>>>> wouldn't be equal. However, this doesn't negate how much fun
>>>>>>>>>>> we'd have, just like current video games. Shoot, I could play
>>>>>>>>>>> Dissidia Final Fantasy for hours, using OCR of course, but
>>>>>>>>>>> its still fun as heck.
>>>>>>>>>>> Devin Prater
>>>>>>>>>>> sent from Gmail.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 7:34 AM marcio via Groups.Io
>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>       Hmm, I think you're right, I hadn't considered it all.
>>>>>>>>>>>       But still (not that it's possible for now), what if
>>>>>>>>>>> someday they
>>>>>>>>>>>       could develop a kind of technology capable of make you
>>>>>>>>>>> feel this
>>>>>>>>>>>       sensation and forget about it right away?
>>>>>>>>>>>       Of course I don't know how it could be done but I tell
>>>>>>>>>>> you, when
>>>>>>>>>>>       it comes to technology, I won't doubt anything, not 
>>>>>>>>>>> anymore.
>>>>>>>>>>>       Even though, your point is  still valid. Before
>>>>>>>>>>> accepting such
>>>>>>>>>>>       complex concept, one needs to think of the implications
>>>>>>>>>>> it would
>>>>>>>>>>>       carry along, of course, with the good things.
>>>>>>>>>>>       A long way to go, isn't it?
>>>>>>>>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>       Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>>>>       Follow or add me on Facebook
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>       Em 19/03/2019 09:20, john escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Here's the thing: just because a sensation was created
>>>>>>>>>>>> by a game,
>>>>>>>>>>>>       doesn't mean you didn't experience that sensation. If
>>>>>>>>>>>> games got
>>>>>>>>>>>>       realistic enough that they could fully simulate reality
>>>>>>>>>>>> and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>       faceplanted the sidewalk, it doesn't matter that your
>>>>>>>>>>>> nose isn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>       broken in real life, you'll still experience what it
>>>>>>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>       like, and you'll remember that experience.
>>>>>>>>>>>>       So yeah, when you quit the game (presumably almost
>>>>>>>>>>>> immediately
>>>>>>>>>>>>       because broken bones hurt) you'll be back in the "real"
>>>>>>>>>>>> reality
>>>>>>>>>>>>       and your nose won't be broken anymore, but you'll still
>>>>>>>>>>>> remember
>>>>>>>>>>>>       what it felt like, and that's where a lot of trauma
>>>>>>>>>>>> comes from.
>>>>>>>>>>>>       You've probably paid someone to mutilate your body
>>>>>>>>>>>> before (ever
>>>>>>>>>>>>       had teeth pulled?), but you (hopefully) don't remember
>>>>>>>>>>>> it and
>>>>>>>>>>>>       have no lasting impact, because you were asleep for the
>>>>>>>>>>>> process,
>>>>>>>>>>>>       and didn't experience any of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>       So in short - just because it's artificially created
>>>>>>>>>>>> sensation
>>>>>>>>>>>>       doesn't mean it's not sensation, and that's where true
>>>>>>>>>>>> VR gets
>>>>>>>>>>>>       terrifying (because it doesn't always have to be in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> context
>>>>>>>>>>>>       of a game you play willingly).
>>>>>>>>>>>>       *From:* marcio via Groups.Io
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>       *Sent:* Monday, March 18, 2019 23:43
>>>>>>>>>>>>       *To:*
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>       *Subject:* Re: [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far
>>>>>>>>>>>> you would
>>>>>>>>>>>>       go as to merging your reality with the gaming one?
>>>>>>>>>>>>       I agree. But it's still about gaming, so, even if you
>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>>       confused with the two realities, you always would have
>>>>>>>>>>>> the "exit
>>>>>>>>>>>>       door".
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Some experiences, of course, wouldn't be that cool to
>>>>>>>>>>>> have :) but
>>>>>>>>>>>>       well, apart from the feelings, sensation, it's nothing
>>>>>>>>>>>> more than
>>>>>>>>>>>>       a game :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Follow or add me on Facebook
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Em 18/03/2019 08:12, john escreveu:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       This would be awesome, depending on the game. Game
>>>>>>>>>>>>> worlds can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       a lot harsher than reality, and as incredible as it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> might be to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       experience some of them, others... not so much.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       *From:* marcio via Groups.Io
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       *Sent:* Sunday, March 17, 2019 19:32
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       *To:*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       *Subject:* [blind-gamers] food for thought: How far
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you would go
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       as to merging your reality with the gaming one?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Hello folks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Just now I was randomly chatting with one person and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       "virtual reality" subject matter came up.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       So was wondering, what you guys think about this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> concept? How
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       far you would go with it and why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Do you have any interest into a more complex concept
>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       all which maybe could even confuse you as to what's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> your reality
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       and what's the gaming one?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Thoughts are welcome :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Marcio AKA /Starboy/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Follow or add me on Facebook
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
> --
> Lenron Brown
> Cell: 985-271-2832
> Skype: ron.brown762


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