To clarify,

Bob, the netbook concept sort of works as long as I get a wireless 
keyboard.  Here is the idea.  I have a TV, I have a laptop, I have stuff 
on the laptop that I want to see on the TV.  Essentially, you are just 
using the TV as a external monitor for the laptop.  Soo, I want to connect 
the laptop's video out, to the TVs video in.  and I want to do it 

The alternative is to hard connect the laptop to the TV and stereo, and 
then control the laptop wirelessly.  To be honest, that sounds like a 
better deal anyway.

Using a netbook instead of a laptop is fine, as long as the netbook has 
decent enough graphics capabilities to drive a good image on the TV.


Just jabbing at you with the Mac stuff.  I just purchased an IPhone for my 
wife, and have been learning how to use it with VoiceOver.

I have used Windows machines for work for about 15 years now, although, 
most of my work is actually done on unix and linux boxes.  It will be very 
difficult for me to ever shift to a mac.  One of the issues I have with 
the mac platform right now, is that from what I can tell, VoiceOver either 
works, or it doesn't, and there isn't anything you can do to make it work 
better for a misbehaved program.  I have invested a lot of time in writing 
scripts, and tweeking JAWS to make it play nice with programs that it 
doesn't play nicely with out of the box.

A perfect example of this was ITunes, before the latest version.  I think 
it was inaccessible to mac users, completely.  It was inaccessible to JAWS 
users out of the box, except that you could get scripts for JAWS that made 
it usable.

Having said that, I do know that Apple has done an excellent job of making 
it comparatively simple for developers to make the apps accessible right 
out of the box.

OK, I've strayed way off topic for the list, so will not comment any 

Blue skies.
Dan Rossi
Carnegie Mellon University.
Tel:    (412) 268-9081

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