Last week on "A Prairie Home Companion" Garrison Keilor was describing how 
Minnesotans were lamenting the misplacement of the anxiously waited for 
blizzard to Alabama.  "Alabamans don't know what to do with it, Minnesotans see 
a blizzard as an opportunity to be heroic. . . ."

Well, Wisconsin is right next door (just across the Mississippi River and St. 
Louise River and Bay) and we're likewise missing our annual share of the white, 
frosty stuff that transforms our fields, streams and woods into that mystical 
"Winter Wonderland."  It's not that we have none, but what has fallen has been 
treacherously mixed with rain and we now have ice banks rather than snow banks. 
 And frankly our annual snowfall is drastically below the norm -- Lake Superior 
and, hence, the rest of the Great Lakes will likely be low again this summer.
Holland's Person, Bill
- "Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."
- US Humorist, Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

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