Hi Guys,

This isn't so far fetched.

One must consider what the machete is primarily used for, that being the 
cutting and chopping up of vegetation and plant life that is undoubtedly 
going to get moist and soaked with dew, rain and other sap and gunk that 
would make your hands very slippery, and if a person who's been doing this 
all day, or even for an hour or two was to encounter a large enough limb to 
cut, the obvious way to cut that limb is with a sawing motion.

Now, if the blade is sharp enough, one should have no trouble slicing into 
it, however, if the blade is just the slightest bit dull, or serrated, then 
the blade could very well catch, and, with no guard where the blade meets 
the hilt, a hand could very well slide forward, and if the edge of the blade 
is flush with the handle and hilt, there would be nothing to stop the hand 
from sliding forward, and, like Dale said, cut fingers, tendons, and other 
sinewy flesh that would cause you to lose your fingers, and/or function in 
your fingers/hands.


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