
Today's topics:

* Veil off a few myths on Muslims in India -- and my response - 1 messages, 1 
* redirected from main group - New Constitution for India - 1 messages, 1 

TOPIC: Veil off a few myths on Muslims in India -- and my response

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2006 8:13 pm 
From: viji  

          Dear Friends, for your information. And my rebuttals are in the  bold 
-- Viji
  Veil off a few myths on Muslims in India
  Sanjay Kumar and Yogendra Yadav
  New Delhi, January 26, 2006,0008.htm 
Here are six popular beliefs about Indian Muslims. More and more people believe 
in them without realising the need to verify them. Here’s a reality check.
  The special focus of the first Hindustan Times CNN-IBN State of the Nation 
Poll was the mood of the Indian Muslims. The Centre for the Study of Developing 
Societies (CSDS), which carried out the survey, posed several questions to the 
15,141 respondents. Besides, several special questions were asked to 1,510 
Muslim respondents. Of them, 46 per cent were women, 64 per cent were from the 
rural areas and 42 per cent from the north Indian heartland states.
  Myth of Muslim population
  According to the latest Census, Muslims comprise 13.4 per cent of the Indian 
population. But that is not what people think. When asked to gauge the 
proportion of Muslim populace, only one in every six came close to hitting the 
bull’s eye. A majority interviewed cited figures well above double the real 
Muslim population.
  But the fact remains that Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in 
India. It constituted around 7% at the time of independence and now is nearly 
double of that. 
  Myth of extra-territorial loyalty
  This myth is not spoken about, but hinted at. The Indian Muslims are not 
quite loyal to this country. In this survey, all but two per cent of the 
Muslims said they were "proud" or "very proud" of being an Indian.
  Maybe they did not understand the term. The essence of India is Hindu. -- Are 
they proud of it.
  Myth of Islam and democracy
  Thanks to the US propaganda, this is now a global myth. Islam is not 
compatible with democracy. Three-fourth of Muslims, nearly the same proportion 
as Hindus, firmly reject any non-democratic alternatives.
  In that case they won't be asking for reservations on the basis of religion. 
They would want secular laws instead of Muslim personal law. For the muslims 
here, -- non democratic means Hindu india and hence firmly reject that 
  Myth of Muslim Personal Law
  Personal Law tops the Muslim agenda and they will defend it at any cost. But 
when asked about the most important problem faced by Indian Muslims, 69 per 
cent chose livelihood issues compared to only 4 per cent, who spoke of 
religion. An overwhelming majority disapproved of polygamy or 'triple talaq'.
  They have already go personal law -- So why should that be an issue any more. 
So much for being democratic! Now they are clawing in for economic power so as 
to create an extended Pakistan. 
  Myth of Muslim appeasement
  Muslims are a pampered lot. But they do not feel so. One out of every five 
interviewed said they had personally faced discrimination on religious grounds. 
The more educated and affluent experienced greater discrimination.
  Here "pampered lot" --is by the government, press and NGOs. 
  Discrimination is from the Hindu populace - I presume. So the comparison is 
illogical. Who made these surveys??
  This discrimination will reduce if the Muslims will stop using secularism for 
their own benefits and try to be really secular for a change.
  Myth of irreparable Hindu-Muslim rift
  Many believed that Gujarat caused an irreparable rift. But the survey shows 
only 13 per cent Muslims feel that it cannot be bridged and about the same feel 
that it made no difference in the first place. The bulk feels that Gujarat had 
sparked tension, but things are getting back to normal.
We certainly hope so.  But the Muslim agenda is varied. The Delhi blasts, 
Bombay blasts and Coimbatore blasts were conducted by Muslim extremists for 
different reasons. 

  And lastly surveys rarely reflect the truth. The truth is on the ground and 
we all know it is jehad here, jehad there and jehad everywhere. Once Muslims 
become majority their value system and beliefs completely take an about turn. 
You only need to look at the state of minorities Pakistan, Kashmir and 
Bangladesh to realise this truth. 
  So frankly we cannot believe what the muslim minority survey in India reveal. 
That will frankly change the moment they have power, wealth and majority!
  Venkitesh (Viji)

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TOPIC: redirected from main group - New Constitution for India

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2006 12:17 pm 
From: Moderator BhartUdayMission  

Dear Milap,

Send all such mails only to the BM Discussion group in future.

  *From:* "Milap Choraria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Subject:* A MODEL OF NEW CONSTITUTION FOR INDIA    India is a democratic
country. Democracy means "Rule of Law",
governed by the people, for the people and through the people. Rule
of Law means a system, which shall ensure that: (i) no one, whoever
he may be, is above the law; (ii) transparent and good governance;
(iii) corruption free accountable bureaucracy; and (iv) Guaranteed
expeditious remedies.

The Preamble of the Constitution of India has adopted one of the
basic objects to ensure Economical, Political and Social Justice. Is
Indian Democracy moving in such direction? I must put on straight
record that "No not at all".

In fact contrary to objects and assurances referred in the
Constitution of India, in last 58 years, India has gained
experiences on every counts with total dissatisfaction, as pointed
out in Vohra Committee Report, thus results are:
q Each and every level of the governance, immense corruption
with immunity, become important part of the system;
q Violation of Law with immunity is not a matter of surprise,
for any one;
q Remedial measures are not easily available in respect of any
matter of ill-governance, prevailing under nexus between the
powerful: politicians, bureaucrats and organised mafia;
q Immense economical, social and political exploitation is not
at all a matter of concern for any politician; and
q From the whole of the country a single person from the
common man can be identified who can justify that he has no
grievances relates to governance at one or other level.

One question may arise, that why such situation has developed? To
answer, we must know the backgrounds of democratic system adopted in
India. In my views Constitution of India failed to ensure good
governance. Once British Prime Minister Winston Churchill viewed
that the "Democracy is worst form of government except all those
other forms that have been tried." I am of the firm views that
before formulation of his views Churchill should have defined the
meaning of the real Democracy. In my opinion "Any form of the so-
called democracy should not be defined or called a "democracy", till
following fundamental principles are not inserted in system itself,
with concrete mechanism for their implementation in real practical
1. Truth shall prevails;
2. Justice must be above all;
3. Reins of the powers should be in the hands of the people;
4. Unity, based on self reliance, self respect and self
dependence amongst the people must be supreme objects;
5. Each, including Constitutional Authority should be
accountable before the law and system irrespective of his status or
6. Justice delivery system should be easy, affordable and
within reasonable time;
7. In the Election mechanism value should be given to the
Voters not to the Voting;
8. Individualized Politics should not be allowed at any level
and at any cost;
9. Promotions in the Politicians should be based on experience,
competency and performance;
10. Distribution of the benefit of the progress and economical
betterment of the country should be horizontal;
11. System should not allow to be found the ways to discriminate
one to protect the powerful using skills or expertise.
12. Each Individual should be kept away from the democratic
process, if he does not obey these principles with the latter and

Please go by it and compare it with our Constitution:
On the basis of aforesaid basic principles, time-to-time I have also
made suggestions before authorities. Some were implemented in peace-
meal manner, but most are never considered. Some such suggestions
are referred:

Milap Choraria
National Convenor,
Movement for Accountability to Public (MAP)


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