
Today's topics:

* innocent husbands and family members in jail - 1 messages, 1 author
* India launches anti-poverty plan - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: innocent husbands and family members in jail

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2006 10:59 am 
From: Vijay Sharma  

Dear Members,

I would like to draw your attention towards another social menace in Indian
society which every young Indian has to fight. We are all opposed to dowry.
But thousands of people are misusing dowry laws to harass husbands and his
family by falsely implicating them in this law.  You can get a lot more
information about this at ). Please be aware of gross human
right violations (harassment of husband and his family by wife and her
relatives) in India and in the US (of person of Indian origin) in a marriage
that has gone sour. There are several IITians, REC graduates who are going
through this torture. The intelligent mind which could have been used for
the progress of India is getting used to prove that they innocent.
Please fill the PIL entry at:

*To know more about 498a,search the Internet for "misuse of 498a", "misuse
Dowry laws" "elder abuse India", "harassed husbands".*

Please read the article written by Lisa Tsering can be looked reached
 (she won the best NCM investigative journalist award for this work).

   Passed by Indian Parliament in 1983, Indian Penal Code 498A, is a
criminal law (not a civil law) is defined as:

"Whoever, being the husband or the relative of the husband of a woman,
subjects such woman to cruelty shall be punished with imprisonment for a
term which may extent to may extend to three years and shall also be liable
to fine.

   - *The offence is Cognizable (arrest without investigation or
   warrants), non-compoundable (complaint cannot be quashed) and non-bailable
   (accused must appear before judge to come out of jail). *
   - *This law requires the police to arrest all the people named in the
   complaint (by the wife/daughter-in-law) without any investigation and
   without bail. The complainant does not require any proof to file the
   complaint. ***
   - *Onus is on the husband and his family members to disprove the false
   allegations. ** *
   - *This section of law was made to curb the practice of dowry, but the
   reality is that the section of population which it was supposed to protect
   is still unable to use this law, and on the other hand girls coming from a
   well educated, affluent families have found a potent tool to harass in the
   case there is marital discord and divorce is imminent. *

   The very nature of this anti-dowry law makes it wife-biased
(daughter-in-law biased), discriminatory, stringent, unprecedented,
exceptional and poorly formulated.

Please check out the US department of state warning to people traveling to
India for marriage related issues.

A study done by WHO has found that this is one of the ways elders are abused
in India. ( )

498a can only be invoked by wife/daughter-in-law or her relative. Most cases
where Sec 498A is invoked turn out to be false (as repeatedly accepted by
High Courts and Supreme Court in India) as they are mere blackmail attempts
by the wife (or her close relatives) when faced with a crumbling marriage.
In most cases 498a complaint is followed by the demand of huge amount of
money (extortion) to settle the case out of the court. There have been
countless instances where, without any investigation, the police have
arrested elderly parents, unmarried sisters, sister-in-laws and minor
children. In these cases unsuspecting family of husband has to go through a
lot of mental torture and harassment by the corrupt and sluggish Indian
legal system. A typical case goes on for years (5-7 years is typical) and
the conviction rate is about 2% only.

Please visit to get a complete picture of this social
menace which is termed as 'legal terrorism' by the Supreme Court of India.
This website has almost all the information you need to write a balanced
article to expose this problem.  Please do not hesitate to reach me if I
could be of any help to answer any of your questions.

 Waiting for you opinion and article in this matter.

Vijay Sharma
IIT Kanpur


Please visit: , ,

TOPIC: India launches anti-poverty plan

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 2 2006 6:00 pm 
From: Harsha  

A well thought scheme, the success of which solely depends on transperancy.

*The Indian government has launched one of its most ambitious efforts to
eradicate rural poverty. *
Under the National Rural Guarantee Scheme one member from each of India's 60
million rural households is guaranteed 100 days of work each year.


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