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* Massive medical corruption forces World Bank to halt loans to India. - 1 
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* सच् च> भ>रतो&य - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Massive medical corruption forces World Bank to halt loans to India.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Apr 3 2006 1:48 am 
From: Jagannath Chatterjee
            World Bank puts on hold a billion dollars for health
Monday April 3 2006 10:33 IST 
  NEW DELHI: In a setback for the UPA government’s flagship health programme, 
the World Bank has withheld 350 million dollars of funding for the Reproductive 
and Child Health (RCH) project of the National Rural Health Mission.

While the government is going ahead with the project without the Bank’s fiscal 
support, funding for five more proposed health sector projects, totalling over 
a billion dollars, have also been put on hold by the Bank.

With a view to resolve the crisis that has been brewing since June 2005, 
Finance Minister P Chidambaram and World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz have 
been involved in intense talks. Finance Ministry officials indicate that talks 
with the Bank have “intensified” over the last one month and are now 
“delicately poised”.

The first phase of the RCH programme was introduced by the Department of Family 
Welfare in 1997, as per a strategy suggested by the World Bank to bring down 
child and maternal mortality figures in the country.

With the first phase implemented by June 2004, the second phase was being seen 
as vital to achieving, among other things, India’s target to eradicate polio by 
2007. But since June 2005, the World Bank has stopped funding for RCH 2 and 
five other important health projects, including those meant to counter the 
spread of AIDS and Tuberculosis.

The reason: in March 2005, the Bank received complaints alleging fraud and 
corruption in the procurement of pharmaceuticals for the RCH Program 1. The 
World Bank’s Integrity Department began an investigation into these allegations 
and it’s still going on.

The Finance Ministry, admitting certain weaknesses in the procurement 
processes, began working closely with the Bank to evolve an action plan to 
check the possibility of fraud and strengthening project governance. With the 
RCH Program 2 in mind, the Bank and the Finance Ministry had put in place a 
Governance and Accountability Action Plan (GAAP), which was to go to the Bank’s 
Executive Board for approval in June 2005.

The fraud complaints had already been factored into the GAAP and everyone at 
the Bank was convinced about the new action plan, says the Finance Ministry. 
But the plan never reached the Bank’s Board.

Incidentally, in June 2005, Wolfowitz, the former US Deputy Defence Secretary 
took over as the World Bank President. Over the last few months, the Bank has 
taken a strong stance against corruption, canceling or relooking at loans to 
countries like Chad, Congo, Kenya, Bangladesh, Argentina.

The government has been telling the Bank to examine all projects, if it wishes, 
but not stop the funding altogether. The government has also welcomed specific 
suggestions from the Bank to improve project implementation and monitoring 

Finance Minister P Chidambaram is said to have told Wolfowitz that “we are on 
the same wavelength... complete transparency and integrity in project 
implementation is imperative.”

In response to a questionnaire sent by this website's newspaper, the Bank said: 
“A couple of problems have arisen in some projects that we are working 
cooperatively with the Government of India to fix. To allow more time for 
discussion... on the most effective ways to address these issues moving 
forward, we have postponed consideration of a second RCH program and several 
other health sector loans.” 

Funds for these are on hold 

• Reproductive and Child Health (Phase 2), implementing agency Ministry of 
Health and Family Welfare. Funds: $350 m 

• Vector Borne Disease Control Project, Govt of India. Funds: $200 m 

• HIV/AIDS III, National AIDS Control Organisation, Govt of India. Funds: $200 

• Second National Tuberculosis Control Project, Central TB Division, Govt of 
India. Funds: $170 m 

• Karnataka Health Systems, Karnataka govt. Funds: $141.83 m 

• West Bengal Health Systems, West Bengal govt. Funds: $75 m



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TOPIC: सच् च> भ>रतो&य

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Apr 4 2006 11:55 am 
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On 4/3/06, amritesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rajnish ji,
> Do you have any plans or strategy for it...I am also eager to do the
> same as our messages are not reaching to most of our Hindi speaking
> people.
> Amritesh
> >


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