David Nelson wrote (09-10-11 14:55)

Norbert, it would be good if you read things carefully and accurately.
Cor, it would be good if you did not jump to conclusions.

David, it would be good if you just understood the point ;-)

Norbert and Cor, it would be polite and in keeping with the bylaws and
election rules if you allowed me to put my questions to the candidates
without butting in.
Thank you, guys.

It is not about stopping you or anyone else to ask questions. It is about whether this question is relevant for the elections.

Trying to explain it again in other words:
The BOD is about steering the foundation.
Might the opinion in the BOD be, that there is a problem in e.g. the documentation area, then they will do what is within their means to improve the work in that area. Whether an individual wants to work on documentation, is not related to ones candidacy/membership of the BOD.

It might be relevant to know if an individual finds documentation important, and maybe also if she thinks improvement in that area is a good idea. But again, that is not the same as that individual working on (in this example) on documentation. On the contrary: if the BOD thinks more documentation is needed, they try to find others (i.e. people not in the role as BOD member) willing to step in and do the job.


 - Cor
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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