Hi Michael, Andreas, *

letting the rest of the discussion stand for the moment - this much:

Michael Meeks wrote:
>       Having said that - in general, it is clearly better for most of the MC
> to serve a full term so we have continuity in the MC. FWIW - I was
> rather in favor of 1 year terms for both BoD & MC in the 1st instance
> which would make this rather less of a problem (IMHO).
There's a technical problem here, in that board and MC run each
other's election - so you cannot have them elected both at the same
time I guess. Which in turn means there's always the issue of people
wanting to stand for the other body, to not be able to serve their
full term - regardless of term lengths.

I don't personally consider people from the MC standing for the board
to be a large issue - if this is not becoming a habit. Since there's a
hard problem for TDF, at the very least, should the size of the MC
shrink below the required number of officers (which is 3, as per
https://www.documentfoundation.org/statutes.pdf ยง12, 3).

Beyond that, I agree with what you say Michael. Having significant
brain drain from the MC might affect how well we can attract new
members, and also perhaps how much time and energy we invest in
reviewing applications.

All the best,

-- Thorsten

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