Hi Kendy, all,

Am 14.02.22 um 16:42 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v Po 14. 02. 2022 v 15:29 +0100:

but maybe it would be great, if you could stop to pick on someone.

It seemed your only intention on this topic is to control (with your
non-TDF-hat on) everything.

That is not a cooperative behavior.
I've told it in the public part of the Board meeting on Friday, and
will repeat it again: I am very sad that this whole discussion started
framed as (let me paraphrase) "TDF will hire 2 developers, it is all
done deal, there are no problems" [in concrete words "Funds are
available for at least 2 developers allowing us to start employing them
straight away; Next steps: create and publish the job offers for
developers and on-board them ASAP"].
but that gave TDF the option to work on tasks which are important for
the LibO user and for the market strength of the LibreOffice community

This is extremely unhelpful, as it totally dismisses views of others.
There was no full agreement of this in the Board, no plan, no
prioritization against other budget items and no consideration if this
is the best way how to improve the situation - so please don't be
surprised it lead to a challenging discussion.

I'm sorry but it seemed the challenging discussion is done only by one

And don't be surprised that there is not always full consensus in a
decision process. At some point you have to decide with the majority of
votes to avoid endless discussions.

I am extremely grateful to Sophie, Michael W., Ilmari, Olivier H., and
others (I'm sure I forgot some, sorry about that) for their patience &
helpful input, and I do hope we will move to a more constructive,
concrete debate.
Maybe you made excessive demands on their patience and self-perception.

In my world [regardless of the hat], a constructive debate is much
easier over a document collecting:
I think it is (nearly?) impossible to take part in a debate, if you have
a CoI (because you sit on two sites of a table).


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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