"Fernando Cacciola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm not sure if a boost exception class is *needed*, but I see no problem in
> having one.
> Anyway, IIF such an exception class is defined, I *strongly* encourage (as I
> did in the past) that it provides:
>   virtual void raise() const
>   {
>       throw *this ;
>     #endif
>   }
> and that boost libraries throw such exceptions *only* by calling .raise():
> i.e. never with a throw expression directly in the user code.

1. Why should this be a virtual function? The dynamic type of an
   exception object is never used in a throw expression.

2. Why are we reinventing the wheel?  What's wrong with
   boost::throw_exception() from boost/throw_exception.hpp?

                       David Abrahams
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