Excerpt from article:


Protesting the Big Brother Lens, Little Brother Turns an Eye Blind By JOHN

That is not the view of a group of privacy advocates in Washington, who are
suing the Metropolitan Police Department under the Freedom of Information
Act to force disclosure of technical information about a network of video
cameras that has been established in the city.

The value of video cameras to improve safety and detect terrorists has been
greatly overrated, according to Marc Rotenberg, the executive director of
the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a nonprofit advocacy group based
in Washington.

Like the Surveillance Camera Players, Mr. Rotenberg said he worries that
while Internet-viewable cameras might offer entertainment, there are other
networks of private and law enforcement cameras that collect information
secretly on behalf of the government.

"There has been a reduction in privacy and there has been an expansion in
government secrecy," he said. "We give up our privacy, but we don't gain
openness in exchange."

That view contrasts sharply with that of David Brin, a physicist and author
who has argued that universally accessible cameras will increase
transparency in modern society without encroaching on traditional civil

"My metaphor is that databases are expansions of human memory and the
cameras are the extension of human vision," he said, adding that the
challenge is to make certain that new laws have provisions for "watching the

Such a viewpoint upsets other civil libertarians, who see the growing
encroachment of video cameras as simply deepening the power of law
enforcement and society's elites.

"I sometimes wonder if I'm living on the same planet as David Brin," said
Philip E. Agre, an associate professor of information studies at the
University of California at Los Angeles. "Everyone can watch the common
people, but that has nothing to do with the political question of who can
watch the powerful."


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