----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 1:02 AM
Subject: Re: N. Korea Says Has Nukes

> Dan Minette wrote:
> >
> >This seems like a good reason for the difference between our attitude
> >toward North Korea and Iraq.
> >
> Which is the greater threat?  The guy with a loaded gun or the one that
> is frantically trying to figure out how to make a slingshot?   Does it
> really enhance our safety if you go after the guy with the slingshot
> because he's the easier target?  Don't you have to deal with the one
> with the gun eventually?
> As for the oil stuff, here's a thought.  Not one that I think is
> necessarily true or accurate, but something that occurred to me as
> "I'm not sure that the short term profits of  Texas oil  people are as
> much a consideration as the long term control of all the spigots.

The long term control of all the spigots goes to the _owners_ of the well.
No offense, but you are speaking from ignorance.  Go to the Middle East to
ex-pat oil worker communities, and see what the standing of the oil
companies there are.  For example, in UAE, there is a clear,  strong social

1) Citizens
2) Other Arabs
3) European ex-pats
4) "Packies" (who are mostly Pakistanies, but refers to any other people
from non-Arab third world countries brought in to do the work that's too
menial for the citizens to do.

What people are looking for are lucrative contracts to work for the folks
who control the oil.  They are not in charge, they are well paid hired
hands.  Now, one of these contracts may be to administer the oil
production, but that's different than control.  For example, the Saudies
are negociation with several oil companies for turn key jobs.  However,
massive conglomerates have also negociated turn key jobs with service
companies.  Do you think they control the oil long term?

BTW, the Russian contract is a joke. Russia is the absolute worst place to
try to drill for oil in the entire world.  The problems in Russia are
legendary in the oil patch.  One example, their sand control is so bad that
tools that usually last for hundreds of jobs can be eaten up in one job.
They are horrid at oil exploration; they have ruined many good fields.
Giving Russia control would be good for the oil patch in Texas.

Dan M.


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