----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: N. Korea Says Has Nukes

> J. van Baardwijk wrote:
> >
> >
> > So, can we expect an American invasion of North Korea in the near
> > future? If nothing else, the US would at least show something
> > resembling consistency by invading North Korea.
> No Oil.
> 8^(

Doug, do you really believe that?  Who do you think owns the oil in Saudi
Arabia?  Who owns the oil in Nigeria? The locals do.  Various international
companies can make more or less money developing Iraq oil depending on who
is in charge.  But, the Texas oil patch benefits a great deal by the
present impasse in Iraq.  Without it, with Iraq going great guns, oil
prices are expected to drop again.  My personal finances would benefit from
years of foot dragging and partial sanctions, and I'm fairly typical for
the oil patch.

Why do you think Bush wants to damage the economy of Texas?

Now, lets look at other explanations, for example  the difference in
threatening armies.  North Korea is likely to respond to any threat by
attacking South Korea first. They have overwhelming forces already on the
border.  Let me quote a source you respect on this:

"We came within an inch of going to war with North Korea, in a conflict
that a Pentagon study found  would have killed a million people, including
up to 100,000 Americans."

Now, I think that overstates it: we only have 34k soldiers there, and all
analysis indicates that the danger from the North would be the short term
taking of Seoul as a hostage, not a long war. But, lets just say 100k South
Koreans would die in such a war.  That is an enormously greater loss of
innocent life than the highest estimates for Gulf War II.  Due to the
embargo, Hussein's conventional forces are a shadow of their 1990 self.

This seems like a good reason for the difference between our attitude
toward North Korea and Iraq.

Dan M.


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