----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Tarr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: Colin Powell President

> Kevin T.
> *Would he win the state races, the primaries? I don't think even at state
> levels there would be too much obvious racism. Unfortunately race is an
> issue in the backs of people's minds. A small percentage of the populous,
> and even less of eligible voters but still there. But I think
> for Powell this wouldn't matter as much.

Well, that's been falsified experimentally just this year in Texas.  Ron
Kirk, who was a black moderate Democrat, got a record low % of white votes
in Harris county for a senate election, running against a fairly obscure
Republican candidate.

In other words, he got fewer white votes than did a Democrat who was far to
the left of him running against well known and incumbent US Senators.

Being black is a net negative.  How else can you explain the low numbers of
blacks in the Senate?

Dan M.


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