At 11:35 PM 11/18/02, Russell Chapman wrote:
Gautam Mukunda wrote:

I only watch about 4.5 hours of TV a
week (Alias, the Simpsons, 24, the West Wing, and Law
& Order)
I was surprised to see 24 there - is there a second series or something?


How would they do that?

It is several months later. The black guy who was running for President in the original series (sorry, I don't remember his name) is now President, of course, and as the new series begins, he has been informed of what is supposed to be an absolutely credible threat that terrorists are planning to detonate a nuclear weapon in Los Angeles sometime that day. So, after half an hour of hemming and hawing, guess who he calls out of retirement . . .

I struggled through to 11pm (ie ep 23), but that introduced so many gaping plot holes and other stupidity that I was no longer able to maintain "suspension of disbelief". It would have been a much better show if it was called 12.

I agree there were parts that dragged (though with the concept of showing the events of the day as they happen, some of that was probably inevitable: if you think back on what was probably "the worst day of your life" (whatever that was), there were probably _some_ periods when not much happened, or at least nothing seemed to be happening but waiting). I also missed the last hour, but for a different reason: I teach a class on Tuesday nights, so I have to record it (along with _Buffy_, _Smallville_, and _JAG_) and on occasion one or more of those either doesn't record for some reason or the weather is so bad that it interferes with the signal and renders the tape unwatchable. Anyway, it didn't get recorded, and they never reran it, so . . .

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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