At 21:26 2002-12-04 -0600, Marvin wrote:

At this point I'd say that if someone disagrees, it's his obligation to
say so.

Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)
OK then, I disagree.  This whole situation is giving me the creeps.
Unlike most people, I don't think anyone's actually in the right here,
everyone's wrong.

I find that this moderation reeks of censorship.  I have read what
others here call spam and even though some of the messages did
need a bit of toning down, there were a few where I just couldn't find
anything which resembled a threat.  Jeroen's demand to be told
what exactly in his messages is problematic when one is refused
is a valid one.  Refusal to do so indicates that it would be prefered
that Jeroen shut up rather than get back on board.

I left this list a little more than a year ago, after the 9-11 attack
because I was reading posts which advocated things like nuclear
attacks against Afghanistan and that members who actually voiced
their opposition were put down and compared to the terrorists
themselves.  I remember that it was Jeroen, displaying the same
pig-headedness that he shows today, who refused to stop asking
the unpopular questions like, where's the proof?

Now I'm back, and the dynamics have changed.  I am not in a
position to tell anyone what to do, but I can say what I believe
and this is it.  We have a problem which needs to be resolved.
Kicking Jeroen out is not a solution which I believe will be
beneficial to the list.



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