From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Problem For Conservatives
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 17:18:56 +0000

on 8/1/03 12:23 am, Deborah Harrell at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> --- William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Reggie Bautista wrote:
>>>>> Of *course* God exists.
>>>>> Haven't you ever heard of Mulder's Razor?
A google search for the term 'Mulder's Razor' turned up lotsa slash fan fiction on the X-Files. I don't recall the term being used onlist and don't have it saved in my archive -- can anyone explain?

And yeah, I did briefly consider that you might have meant that David Duchovny is God. :) Somehow that's just too much to contemplate.

>>> William T. Goodall replied:
>>>> It was proved otherwise last year on this list.
>>> As I recall, that proof was refuted.  O Jeroen,
>> master of the archives?
>> It wasn't refuted. It was objected to, and protested
>> at, and even disbelieved - but not refuted.
> As I recall, it was refuted in the sense that it is
> not possible to prove or disprove, like the QM theory
> that a/new universe(s) is/are created each second.
Huh? 'Refute' means an argument has been proven wrong. If an argument cannot be proven or disproven then it cannot be proven wrong, by definition. 'Refute' used in the way you just did makes no sense.

GSV Confoozed

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