On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Deborah Harrell wrote:

> > When those articles have no measurable consequences,
> > yes.
> <puzzled look>
> Um, I was referring to particular core beliefs (like
> "Jesus is the Son of God"), which can be neither
> proven nor measured.  Derivative beliefs (and I'm
> using my own terminology here) like "I must convert
> others to belief in Jesus" certainly have had
> consequences, both bad/coercive/fatal and
> good/life-saving.

I was considering things like "God made Adam from dust so evolution must 
be false" as being among (some folks') core religious beliefs.
> OK.  My personal agenda doesn't include "proving"
> anything about my belief in the Divine, or ridiculing
> anyone about their 'universe outlook' (well, privately
> I might wonder what happened in someone's past that
> made them need to think that a mediocre science
> fiction writer with paranoid delusions of grandeur had
> latched onto 'the Truth').  

Oh, I didn't think so.  It's just that my memory of the debate is that it
was bit too complicated to be well summarized as "X refuted Y! Did not!  
Did so!" :-)  [Not that I want to take it up again; I haven't the time.  
But I felt I should squeak for a moment on my own behalf.]

> I said:
> > time.  The new gods are ideologies; God is a fetish;
> > and wisdom as ever 
> > means reaching beyond the tenets of conventional
> > belief.

On further reflection, Gods and ideologies are a set of reciprocating 
fetishes caught in a perpetual orgy of mutual ideational S&M.  Wisdom's 
about the same, though.

[buddhistic gyrations snipped]
> [I'm going to assume that that's for Dan...]

I'm not sure it makes much difference -- it's just interesting to note
that in one system self-consciousness is commonly accepted as evidence for
a unique and atomistic soul, while in the other a close examination of
consciousness is considered to disprove the same.

Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)

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