On 15 Jan 2003 at 12:03, Nick Arnett wrote:

> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew Crystall
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 11:35 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Subject: RE: Alpha Mails (fun with SQL - L3ish)
> ...
> > No. Selling it at *cost* will be fine. Try to make ONE PENNY profit,
> > and there'll be trouble...from MULTIPLE sources. Try us.
> Actually, even selling it at cost would be copyright infringement,
> just as giving it away for free would be.  In fact, the lower the
> price, the worse, because the primary test of infringement is the
> effect of the copy on the commercial value of the work.  For example,
> pirated copies of a movie selling for $1 are much more destructive to
> the value of the intellectual property than copies selling for $10 or
> $30.

Yes, but I won't chase anyone who did it for cost. I speak for myself 
and a number of friends who have at times been on the list in that.

> > I should mention that I consider you a worthless piece of scum in
> > Human form,
> No personal attacks.  By *anybody*!  That was pretty darn personal.

deal. Kick me off if you want. I'm NOT going to put up with his 
rubbish. I won't hold it against you, it's the price of doing 
business. *shrugs* My tolerance for fools has allways been low, and 
recent events are pushing it lower.

> > judging you by the way you've deliberately disrupted the
> > list over the past 2 years. Feel REAL lucky I don't have admin
> > rights, or I'd ban you do fast your head would spin.
> Criticize the behavior all you want, but the first part of this
> paragraph was out of line, I'm afraid.

I frankly don't care. I consider his behavoir infantile and I'll 
treat him that way. If you're looking for an apology, you won't get a 
serious one. I'll just be sarcastic, I'm afraid.

I'll treat fairly with anyone who treats fairly with me. He's been 
abusive, stupid and now proposes to try to SELL my words. I won't 
stand for it. Period.

I'd be willing to discuss WHY I - and my friends - feel so strongly 
about it off-list.

Dawn Falcon


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