Kevin Tarr wrote:
>What is the necromancer games?

It's a d20 game company whose books are printed by White Wolf games d20 imprint, Sword 
& Sorcery Studios.  Their motto is "Third Edition Rules, First Edition Feel."  If you 
played D&D back in the early 80's, you'll know what they mean (only with more plot) 

I'm working on an adventure submission.  But it's slow going, between a full time job 
and a family.  Most of it gets done on the train or at lunchtime at work, so if I get 
through 3,000 words in a week it's a good week.  *And* I'm waiting to hear from S&SS 
about their latest open call, and if I get some assignments from there, that's another 
delay.  But seeing as my real job has precious little room for true creativity, I need 
that outlet.

Hopefully, come summertime when the kids won't have to go to bed as early, my reading 
time can increase.


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