From: "Reggie Bautista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Book Suggestions: The Best of Current SciFi?
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 18:25:16 -0600

JJ wrote:
Hi, gang..

I'm going to make my weekly expedition to Borders in a couple of days. I'd like to stock up on SciFi books. What's new and worthy out there?
If you haven't read _Kiln People_ yet, definitely pick it up.

If you *have* read _Kiln People_ and you have any interest in the situation revealed in chapter 52, there's a really interesting book called _In the Company of Mind_ by Steven Piziks that deals in depth with that type of situation, along with nanotech, AI, security, and also a pretty scary look at child abuse.

If you like alternate history and alternate science/technology novels, there is a series of four novels by J. Gregory Keyes collectively called "The Age of Unreason." The four books are _Newton's Cannon_, _A Calculus of Angels_, _Empire of Unreason_, and _The Shadows of God_.
Wow, Reggie!! You went thru great lengths in describing your suggestions to me. I sincerely appreciate it.

I am particularly intrigued by Keyes "Age of Unreason". One of my kids, a Senior girl whose SciFi collection is large enough to fill the New York City Public Library <g> has been ranting and raving about the Keyes books. And who said that kids don't read enough these days? :)

I will DEFINITELY be picking up those selections Friday. I'll keep you posted.

(Who loves nothing more than a good SciFi book and a cold, rainy night to curl up with it).

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