Jose wrote:

>I'm going to make my weekly expedition to Borders in a couple of days. I'd
>like to stock up on SciFi books.  What's new and worthy out there?

Two excellent books that I read last year were _Perdido Street Station_ by
China Mieville and _Heroes Die_ by Matthew Woodring Stover.

_Perdido Street Station_ is a steampunk fantasy (a term coined by John
Clute) and has a brilliantly imagined setting in the city of New Crobuzon.
My review of it is below. If you want the short version, a member of the
Culture List summed it up with the following:

Book. China Miéville. Epic grimy creature-filled steampunk fantasy/horror
novel. Fabulous.

_Heroes Die_ is an excellent SF fantasy that takes genre conventions and
takes extreme pleasure in twisting them around so much you have no idea
what's going on. One point that Stover makes in the book is that sorting
everything into good and evil is far too simplistic for the complexities of
human life. So all of his characters do good and bad things and the result
is a mix of grey people who are truly human. There's much more I could say
about it but it'd give away a lot of stuff that is far more fun to find out
through reading it - the first chapter in particular will throw you for
sure. One of the best fantasy books I've read for a long time.

For a second novel, Perdido Street Station has garnered some impressive
accolades - rave reviews in the mainstream press and the 2001 Arthur C.
Clarke Award for science fiction. As a result of this acclaim, so many
superlatives have been thrown at the novel that it is hard to describe its
tour de force of imagination without sounding like a reiteration of a
previous review.

Perdido Street Station has been labelled fantasy but it is one of those
novels that stubbornly resists such simple categorisation. Elements of
science fiction and horror are blended together with the gothic monstrosity
of Gormenghast and the steam-driven technology of The Difference Engine to
form a multi-layered, yet cohesive, whole. Set in the metropolis of New
Crobuzon, the opening reveals a melting pot of otherworldly races, magic,
science, social unrest and corruption before veering off into darker
territories, narrowly missing a collision with full-on B-movie horror. As
the city becomes embroiled in a crisis that affects all of its inhabitants,
the novel builds up to a climax that will change New Crobuzon forever.

Closer examination of the plot will reveal that it isn't actually that
outstanding. It twists, it turns, it thrills but it is fairly predictable
and it is unoriginal. Fortunately this can be disregarded in the face of two
points - the characters and, in particular, the intricate description of the
city itself. New Crobuzon is realised in such grimy and vile detail that it
becomes a living, breathing character, one so full of history and stories
that Miéville is forced to leave much unsaid within the 880 pages of the
novel. That is not to say that he doesn't cram a lot in but one senses that
there is more waiting to be told within the land of Bas-Lag.

The only real criticism I can level at the book is that part of the finale
is achieved with a deus ex machina. Although not quite on the same level as
Peter F Hamilton's appalling ending to the Night's Dawn trilogy, it is just
a tad irritating that an author can spend so much time thinking through a
plot and building up the story for 99% of a novel to then throw it all away
by relying on a blatantly half-arsed plot-device. I could whine some more
but I won't because it is only a minor glitch in a book that is packed with
so much imagination and inventiveness that I was left feeling overwhelmed by
the end and desperate for more.

In short, read this book. Now.


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